You Can't Change It

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Have you ever had that uneasy feeling as you walked up to someone's front door? Yeah well that's me right now.
I walked a few more steps and was welcomed with a white door.
I knocked and sighed adjusting a few strands of my hair.
My hands were sweating and I kept tapping my skirt.

The door flung open.
"Chikao come in."
I smiled at jimin and walked in,  I could hear the laughter of my old friends coming from the lounge room.  As I walked in I saw Jennie with hobi.
Oh hobi.... I missed his smile.
Yoongi too- him and I had a strong connection. Jin was here... Him and I cooked together when ever the group hung out.
Agh I missed these guys.

Hobi and Jin ran up to me. "I've missed you." they both squeezed me into a hug.
I smiled and hugged them back.
When we released I walked to the table.  I sat down and sighed.
"Chikao question." namjoon said with a smirk,  I was confused and everyone looked at him with the same expression.

"did you expect a huge welcome."
"of course not." I said. "good." he snickered back. Yoongi hit his shoulder making namjoon roll his eyes. I looked at tae who was staring deeply at me but he quickly looked away.
"I want to say some stuff." I stood up and stood in front of everyone looking at Jennie who gave me a reassuring smile.

"I don't blame you. Tae.. I mean taehyung. namjoon..  You two have every reason to be mad at me I'm sorry.  For the rest thank you for your welcomes. I left five years ago thinking I wouldn't be back but here I am.  I want to cry honestly you all still hang together? That's true friendship  seeing you guys here today all grown up makes me upset. I'm sorry for the memories I missed out on. I'm sure they would of been the best.
I'm back now and I promise you ill try my best to be the Chikao you once knew. We were eleven and twelve back then and now we are sixteen and seventeen. I haven't changed. America of course gave me some hard lessons about life but I'm home now and Im glad. I ask for your forgiveness and if you can't I atleast ask for a friendly smile or hello."

My eyes were watering, Jennie walked over and gave me a hug.
"Welcome back Chikao." jimin cheered.
The music started playing and everyone did their own thing,
Namjoon and taehyung of course had the death stare of Satan still.
I wish for the forgiveness of both.
They were the closes too Me.

The doorbell rang and I said I'd get it,  jimin was busy.  I got the money from the table assuming it would be the pizza guy.  I walked to he door and opened it up.
There was a tall girl with a slim figure.
She was so pretty.
"hello?. "
She looked at me disgusted.

"I'm suppose to be coming here,  excuse me."
She stepped beside me and walked into the lounge room.
I followed behind.
As I watched her I saw taehyung notice the girl.
But what I saw crushed me.

The girl went to hug tae..  He kissed her.
I have missed out on a lot.
I felt a presence lean into my ear.
"you can't change it. " I turned and saw namjoon smirking.

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