Chapter 20

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The look on Mom’s face was one that would have made me want to hug her forever, if I had still cared. I stood up with mom grabbing my arms. She was starting to cry again, “Baby what’s wrong? You don’t mean that come on.” I turned toward her and growled, “Yes I do!” She let go of me and started whimpering.

“Interesting, her tiger has taken over.” I turned and the man was smirking. Mom turned too, “What’s wrong with her Bite. You said this wouldn’t happen if I let early!” What did she just call him? “Well when a young weretiger starts maturing their tiger half starts becoming stronger mentally. The kids then have to choose what side to follow. The attack must have made her tiger become more active. This isn’t really Taylor it is her tiger.”

I snared, how dare he say this isn’t really me! If he is who I think he is he is in no spot to talk about what I’m like. I growled, “That is enough, you both need to leave.” The man laughed, “Oh her tiger is feisty.”I was getting madder, “I said leave before I make you!”

The man stopped laughing and glared, “You think you can fight me and win? You are just a foolish cub.” That pushed me over the edge. I jumped at him but he moved out the way and I fell through the back door.

I got up on my hands and knees, the man walked out the house with his hands in his pockets. “Do you really want to do this?” I glared at him. “You know who I am don’t you?” I didn’t say anything if he could just keep talking I could…”I am your father, I have been fighting since before you were born.

That was enough I Changed. ’’’The man looked at me shocked. I jumped but he moved. I hit the side of the house and I roared. I looked at my shoulder and it had started to bleed again. I looked in front of me and there was the tiger that had saved me.

I roared, “How dare you come into my territory!” My….father turned his head and whined, “Taylor I know you still care about your mother, you don’t have to worry tell your tiger it is ok it doesn’t need to protect you like this.” I growled and ran at him.

He turned, jumped the fence, and ran into the forest. I ran after him. Somehow he was faster but I was close behind. Then he turned and smacked my face with his paw’’’ I was so surprised I Changed back. My father growled and stepped toward me. I was frozen in place. He raised his paw.

Teenage WeretigerWhere stories live. Discover now