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"Excuse me sir?" Roman asked in a polite tone while holding a recipe in his hand from buying an item about five minutes ago.

The boy turned around and gave the older man a cold stare, Roman let out a small sigh and cleared his throat before speaking again "I just came in here and bought some flowers. I was given the wrong amount of change".

The boy with the dirty blonde, fluffed fringe rolled his eyes and turned back to fixing something on the counter behind him. "This is Walmart, man. Take your shit and go" that certainly took Roman off guard.

The older male was just let off of work, still in his soft, grey suit with the tie loose around his neck, his hair falling perfectly messy along his shoulders and his tired, brown eyes looking at the boy behind the counter. Roman let a frustrated grunt while placing his hands against the counter, squeezing the recipe tight in his grip "Look here, I'm not wanting a fight but I came back for a reason"

Those blue piercing eyes gave another cold stare, the younger picked up the phone beside the register and spoke with an annoying tone "Can Finn please come up to the service area?" his voice echoed throughout the store and the phone was soon slammed down. The younger male gave a fake smile and turned back fixing whatever he had behind him.

Soon enough, another younger male stood in front of Roman apologizing over and over about the mistake which Roman just kept his smile and nodded.

"Hey!" A voice yelled after Roman soon as he started to walk away from the area with the annoyed teen. The older male turned his head and saw the dirty blonde leaning against the counter ruffling his hair "Don't tell my boss about my behavior"

The dark haired man let out a struggled chuckle and shook his head "As if I knew your name". Roman kept walking until he heard another shout "Dean!". Roman turned around in his tracks and let his lips tug up in a smirk watching the younger give him a daring stare.

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Later on that week, the Samoan was back at the store again buying another set of flowers. They were pink roses, the normal cliche flower but it was what was needed.

Roman was currently standing in line checking his watch every few seconds, there was a middle age worker busy carrying a conversation at the check out instead of speeding up things causing the line to back up. "I can take you over here" A monotone voice said, the older walked over quickly and set the flowers against the conveyor belt.

"I'm sorry" Roman said dropping his wallet fumbling with it trying to pull out a twenty dollar bill, he handed it over and noticed he had the boy from the other day. "Dean"' the name came out of out his mouth in a way to cause Roman's stomach flip.

Dean looked up and his thin lips curved up into a smirk looking the bigger male up and down "Flowers again huh?" the teen asked while one of his eyebrows raised.

Roman shrugged and watched Dean turn, opening up the drawer of the register and giving him his money back. Roman let his hand open and reach over letting Dean place his change in his hand, they give each other a look before Roman picked up the flowers.

"Goodbye Dean" The older man called out while walking away from the register with a small smile on his face.

.:*・゚☆..:*・゚゙ :) :) :) .:*・゚☆..:*・゚

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