A Try

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I can't sleep, I still have class tomorrow...

what am I going to say to Sam?

maybe She will get mad at me....


Time check 1:57

It's almost 2'oclock, I need to , sleep...






"Stop ! "

"Kaycee?! Are you Okay ?! " *cries?*

"Save- save th others"

" CEE CEE! Im sorry! so sorry " *Cries"

"Its .. not your fault"

"Dont leave me ! Kajima! "



*Phone Ringsl*

"Yeobseo?? " I said.

" Kaycee where are you!? " Sam Said in a loud voice

" Sam? what ? Im still at home ! I just woke up ... Why are you calling so early in the morning?!"

"You just woke up?! What do you mean Early?! its 8:30 ! Your class just started! "

"What ?! Oh my God! Be there in a sec. "

Im late! Better hurry up! Im going to get there by Break time....

- An hour passed








Where is she? The class already ended 30 mins. ago...

Is she okay? Maybe Ive done something wrong...

Next class starts at 1:00 Pm

Its already lunch break I have to go to.my hyungs ...

As I walked to the cafeteria I saw Jimin hyung

"So? did you already confessed? "

"Aniyo...  She didnt show up"

"Wae ? "

" I dont know, I Called her a Bunch of times but she didnt pick up"

" Did you did something bad? "

" Molla... Kundae... I K-Kissed her"

" Woah.. Dont make things so fast ... take it slow, Before you kiss her, You have got to get her first... maybe thats why shes avoiding you ?  Maybe she got awkward or something? "

" Maybe..."

" Kaja ? "

" You go ahead Ill just stay here "

" Araseo .. Suit yourself "





I Was just sitting there.. thinking maybe I should Give up ...

Did she really got awkward? ^Sigh^

< School Bll Rings >

The school bell...  I think I need to go back to class *sigh*

"JUNGKOOOK OPPA ! " A Familliar voice .




" OPPA ! Kidaryo  !! "

" CeeCee? "

" *Panting* Thank God I Found you"

"Where have you been ?! "

" I- I - Over- Slept " she's still panting

"Why didnt you reply!? or answered any of my calls!? "

"Didnt have--  Time" still Panting ...

" So your not mad at me? "

" What? Why would I? "

I Hugged her... I Hugged her very tightly..

Im not gonna stop... no matter what happens...

Damn !  !  !

I Love Her....


Uhmm why is he hugging me?

What happened?

Its getting tighter!

I cant - Breathe ---

"Ah.. J-Jungkook O-ppa?"

" Hm? "

" I cant..... B-Breathe"

" Ow sorry...  wow your sweating! "

" Thankyou for that complement -.- "

He took a towel from his bag and started to wipe of my sweat...

" Why are you so nice to me? "  I said

" Do you want me to be bad? "

" Well, no "

" Then stop asking questions and Run because were going to be late for class "

" Run ?! Again?! Ughhh I hate this! " 

" Pali ! "

" Fine "



I didnt had the time to Tell her my feelings.



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