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*Jessica's POV*

It's been 2 months since Luke asked me to be his girlfriend and right now I couldn't be happier.

I mean he chose me out of thousands of girls.

I did not expect all of this to happen in a short space of time.

I am well and truly the luckiest girl in the world.

I woke up in My bed with Luke's arm wrapped around my waist I was in heaven

Even though we didn't have the place to ourselves as the boys slept too

Which was a a shame beside if we were on our own we would have done a lot more ;)

"Morning Princess" said Luke

"Morning baby" I said turning to face luke

"You alright"

"Yeah I'm really happy"

"Why baby" luke said adjusting the brightness shining through the curtains

"Because I'm with you"

"Same baby"

Me and Luke were just led in bed cuddling, kissing, joking until the boys came barging the through the door like they owned the place

"LOVE BIRDS WAKE UP" beau shouted

"FUCK OFF BEAU" i shouted

The boys were jumping on my bed and annoying the fuck out of me and Luke

After a lot of moaning and shouting the boys finally left us alone and we were deciding what to do today

"What about we stay here for the whole day" I said dragging the 'o'

Luke said tracing his index finger in circular motions on me back as he cuddle Into me

"sounds good but I wanna get out today"

"But we can have fun here" I said winking

"I know I don't wanna leave but it's just one of those day where I'm in the mood to be out and about"

"What about a nice long walk on the beach"

"OMG yes I like long walks"

"That why I suggested it" I said giggling

Luke laughed and we got ready to go to the beach

I was wearing my floral denim shorts with my white lace top as it was 38 degrees outside

And my hair was straightened and put in a high ponytail and no makeup I'm going out of my comfort zone today!!!

"Ready babe" I shouted as I grabbed the keys of the side eager to get out

I swear boys take the longest to get ready

"Yeah" luke said practically running down the stairs and taking one last look in the mirror before stepping out the front door

" your so vain" I said laughing

"Says you"

We both laughed

The walk down tithe beach was really nice we opened up to eachother like we were more best friends than boyfriend and girlfriend

I got to admit sometimes I do miss is being just bestfriends but he is my boyfriend That I've wanted to have for a long time and now wefinally are a couple I cannot throw that away because I feel like this.

But anyway

We found a spot where it's not to shade and not to hot it was just right

We were just joking and laughing around at this point it is 4:30pm and people started leaving and it was soon enough

me and Luke and a couple of people it's usually more packed than this must be one of those days

The we decided to go for that long walk we came here for

The beach was literally miles long it was beautiful

We got to the point where we were both puffed out from walking!

So we leant against a rock and chatted for abit and had a make out session hehe ❤️

Then we realised we saw the boys sitting on deck chairs and a mini fridge

"Where was our invite dickheads"

"Your losers we don't hang out with losers sorry"

they joked and we joined them obviously sitting on the sand they didn't bring enough deck chairs

We played truth or date for a few hours and skip had to go up to a boy and start singing Best friends to him for at least 3 minutes

It was hilarious

Yeah it was really fun just the six of us

We all decided to go home

thank god we didn't have to walk home they brought a car

When we got to the brooks house I asked if I could stay at theres tonight and they said yes

We stumbled through the door with so much laughter nearly wetting ourselves as james and daniel claimed down they decided to leave us :( 😭😭😭😭😭

Oh shit I don't have any clothes

"Oh it's okay love when you slept here last you left an outfit so I washed it for you it's folded on Luke's bed"said Gina walking through the lounge

"THANKYOU you didn't have to"

"No it's fine honestly"

"I really appreciate it"

I said hugging her

It was really late now

so me and Luke bring his mattress down to the lounge so we don't disturb jai tonight

And me and Luke were just chatting lead down on his mattress

I enjoy it when we are alone

I started to struggle to keep my eyes open so I'm going to bed

"I'm going to sleep now baby"

"Okay baby same here" Luke said stroking my hair as I cuddle in his chest


"Night princess"

So this was my 3rd chapter hope you liked it I know I'm crap at this sort of shit but don't judge

I'll upload when I can be bothered again

It will be longer next time promise 💜💜💜💜

Insta- @janoskiano2l

Twitter- @_jessiexxx

Snapchat- jessicaimpey


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