°•°Chapter 1°•°

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locals, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental.

Most of the media used is not my own and found on google.

It was the day before my 21st Birthday, I heard mom calling for me from downstairs to get out of bed. I looked at my alarm clock beside my bed and saw it was already nine thirty. Today we were going dress shopping for my Birthday party, I got out of bed and got ready.

When I got to my dresser I picked out a black t shirt with little white dots and a light blue tight fitting jean. I decided on wearing my black pumps with skulls on them. Looking at my appearance in the mirror as I passed,  my strawberry blonde hair had a natural wavy curl and my green eyes were still sleepy but bright.

When I got down stairs mom was already heading towards the front door.

"Come on Rose, we are going to be late for your fittings," mom said.

I hurried after her and got into the car, mom was silent and seemed to be nervous. When I asked her about it she just laughed it off, but I decided to leave it at that for now.

We arived at the mall and went straight to the Boutique. After an hour of fitting dressed and none pleasing my mother I was beginning to feel really irritated.

If she doesn't like the next dress I picked I am going to wear sweatpants and a T-shirt. I picked a plain black dress that was just above the knee with lace covering my shoulders.

At the accessories department I picked a silver belt with silver feather ends and a bracelet that matched the belt. I picked out a thin silver necklace with a pink teardrop charm. It was not the style I would usually go for but I felt like being a little girly tomorrow night.

At the shoe department I decided on white stilettos with a strap going around my ankles and crystals making a pattern on the heel.

I actually loved this outfit, seeing as I don't like to wear dresses and high heels much. I am more into jeans and t shirts with comfy shoes. My mother never bothered to try getting me into dresses and heels so when she told me she wanted us to go dress shopping for my birthday party, I couldn't say no.

Mom's eyes started to tear up as I emerged from the fitting room. She clapped her hands happily and gave me a tight hug.

"Oh honey! You look absolutely breath taking." Mom was now crying openly and I started to feel a tad uncomfortable. I never cried. I just couldn't bring myself to cry when I needed to or even when I wanted to. When my heart cried and lost controll of emotions, my outside was a calm mask.

When mom let go of me I smiled at her and went to change back into my own clothes. When I walked over to where mom was standing I noticed she already paid for everything. She wanted me to get my hair done but I insisted on keeping it down and natural.

The drive home was a bit strange, It was just after four PM and mom was really tense again, she didn't talk at all. We pulled into our driveway and instead of getting out, mom just stared at me.

"What's wrong mom?" I was starting to feel anxious. "Nothing honey, come along, your dad is probably waiting for us already. We have something to discuss with you." My stomach dropped. I got out, grabbed my bags and followed her.

We found my father at the kitchen table. He was staring off into space and had the same worried expression like mom had the whole day. I was starting to feel extremely worried now. My father finally looked at us and his gaze fell on me, suddenly he looked sad.

"Honey, go put your things in your room them come down so we can talk ok?" My mom said in a serious but soft tone.

I placed my bags on my bed and hurried down stairs to the kitchen. When I walked in they both stopped talking and looked up to where I was standing. I walked towards the table and took in my seat. Dad didn't waste any time with small talk, he never did.

"Honey, what we are about to tell you is serious and I would like you to listen to the whole story and keep an open mind before you say anything." Dad was tensed and he was struggling to speak so mother took over.

"I know that you won't believe what I'm about to say but please dont interrupt me," mom said and I nodded

"Ok lets start at the beginning," Mom said slow.

"Two thousend years ago a demon escaped from another realm, his name was Drakkar. When he escaped his only thought was to destroy the human race. He roamed the earth for one hundred year to seek the most perfect man to carry out his plan. One day while he was roaming the street of Russia, he found a man in an alley that was near death. He sensed the man once had great strength, power and influence over many countrys and people. But the man was betrayed by his own brother, robbed of his life by being shot. So Drakkar went over to the man and promised him immortality, strenght, speed, great sight, hearing and every other inhuman, supernatural ability you can think of. He promised the man revenge. This man was called Lucias, Lucias felt betrayed by his people but mostly his brother and seeked vengeance so he accepted Drakkar's offer. Thats how the first vampire was born," mother took in a deep breath.

By now I was trying to make sense of this Vampire part but the story was interesting so I listened when my father took over where mom ended.

"When Lucias awoke, Drakkar told him that he who was Lucias would rule over man kind and explained to him what he was. Lucias did not mind one bit because he was a power hungry man. Drakkar told Lucias that he would have everything his heart desires aslong as he obeyed him. Lucias was told to change as many worthy humans as possible and gather the unworthy humans into a  small town where they could not escape easily so when the turned ones woke up they would have something to feed on. But first Lucias had to feed to complete his transition.

He rampage through his hometown. When he was done feeding, he seeked out the worthy which was only ten people and turned them. Then he captured the humans that were left and took them to his hometown. Lucias envaded seven more towns and did the same to everyone, he had no mercy. When he was finished he had almost a hundred turned vampires and no human left in all the seven surrounding towns." father looked at me to see if I was still listening and then continued.

" Drakkar told Lucias to gather his Vampires and train them to controll their blood lust and enhance their fighting skills. When they were trained he must take them all into the city. Every day Drakkar would give Lucius orders but litte did Drakkar know Lucius was getting tired of being ordered around." Mom poured us some juice and sat down.

Before he could continue the door bell rang and mother stood up. I wanted to stand up and go to my room because the story was starting to sound ridiculous but dad told me to stay where I was. I had to wonder if they were a bit nuts


Hello readers. Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed.

This story is not edited yet.


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