°•°Chapter 4°•°

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My room was breathtaking. I bet my old room could fit in here about four times. The ceiling was white with gold flower paterns and the walls matched the ceiling. In the middle of the room stood a king size bed with white bed covers and about seven gold pillows. To the right was a door that led to a huge bathroom. Next to the bathroom was a walk in closet and to my left was my own private balcony.

I walked over to the walk in closet and was surprised to see it was filled with clothes, shoes, handbags, jewelry and everything else you can imagine. I stared in awe at everything. I jumped when Meredith talked behind me.

"Our king had everything made for you a few weeks ago my queen." Meredith said and I turned around to face her.

"Meredith, would you please call me Rose. This formality will drive me insane" I amost begged her. I didn't want to be anyone's queen. I didn't want to be here in this situation. But my future was taken away from me, my fate already decided and my destiny was already planned. I just wanted some normalcy in this crazy mess.

"I am sorry my queen but our king would have my head if I adress you so informal." Meredith looked at me apologetic.

"You can be informal when he is not around, Please?" I begged her.

"You must never beg my Lady. The king would not like it. But if you insist I will call you Rose but only when the king is not around" Meredith said and I felt like hugging her and thats exactly what I did.

When I hugged Meredith I felt a strange sensation. Not in a romantic way but it was like she was familiar to me, It was really weird. Meredith must have felt it too because she looked at me and saw my confusion.

"You are a Warrior my Q....I mean Rose. One of your many abilities is to recognize other supernatural beings. I am a witch and thats why you felt my soul when we touched." Meredith explained.

Everything was so new to me and I know nothing about myself, my gifts or other supernatural beings. I felt so frustrated. Meredith could see that and she promised to tell me about everything I needed to know.

Meredith asked what I would like for breakfast in the morning and made sure that I would be fine on my own before she bid me goodnight and left. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. When I was done I used the new toothbrush Meredith brought me and brushed my teeth. With the towel wrapped around me I was on my way to the walk in closet to search for pajamas when I walked into something rock solid.

That something turned out to be someone, and not just anyone. It was my new husband.

"Sorry love" he said as he held my arm so I wont fall over. I felt that warm tingling sensation again and when I looked up into his eyes it switched to full out sparks. Trying not to show what I was feeling I looked down.

"What are you doing in my room?" I asked and looked him straight in the eyes. Lucias let go of me and took a step back. His eyes roamed all over my body, I blushed and felt extremely uncomfortable. He grinned devilishly before he turned around.

"Go get dressed then we will talk" he said and I hurried to get dressed.

When I was done I found him staring out the window so I studied his features. Lucias suddenly turned around and caught me staring at him. He smirked and walked over to my bed,  When I didn't follow him he turned to face me.

"I just want to talk Rose, come Sit down with me." I didn't really have a choice so I did as he said.

We both sat on my bed and just looked at eachother. He took my hand in his and I tried to take my hand back but again he just held it more tight.

"I know you need to rest and I wont keep you long, I also know this must be really hard for you. But you have to understand Rose, as my wife and the new Queen you have responsibilities. And I expect from you to handle them with grace." Lucias stood up.

I was furious. The audacity he had made me almost speechless.

"Listen Lucias, as you are well aware it was not my wish to be here or to be queen. It is not my wish to be your wife. I don't know you and I don't know if I want to but you can go to hell." I said bravely.

In a flash he was in front of me, lifting me of the bed. His fingers were digging into my shoulders and his eyes was a bright red. I had to bite my tongue not to cry out in pain.

"My dear Rose, we are in hell so get used to it. And as for your bad manners, well I would keep them in check if I were you. You may be my mate and I would never hurt you  but I will teach you how to respect me if I have to and it won't be pretty." He said and then as suddenly as he grabbed me he let go. Before I could say anything else he was gone.I stared at the door, I hated him.

I cried myself to sleep wishing I did not have to wake up tomorrow.


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