The Reserve

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A car is seen speeding down the road in the back sits a cage with a sleeping lion and cheetah cub

Fuli's POV

I woke up with a headache as I tried to get my senses I realized I wasnt in the pride lands I looked around and finally see my worst fear a human is sitting there I start paniking usally im not that eager to show that im afraid but I am when it comes to humans as I start to panic and pace I step on something soft and look down to see my best freind Kion "KION, KION OH PLS DONT BE DEAD" his eyes suddenly open and I see him stand up "oh thank goodness I thought you were dead" it takes Kion a while to realise were we are but when he does he looks at my face "Fuli you look Terrified" I nodded there was no reason to hide it humans were something to fear by all animles though after I nodded Kion walked next to me and rested his head on top of mine he then asks "Fuli pls tell me" I nodded (flash back) a young cheetah cub is playing with her mother mean while a sport hunter in the grass sneaks up with his gun ready as the cheeta cub gets pounced on by her mother they all hear a bang and Fuli watches in horror as her father was hit through the chest it came out the other side and right were Fuli was standing was her mom who got hit in the side they both fall down dead right in front of her and she turned and ran (flash back over) after im done telling Kion I start tearing up "my mother saved my life that day" I said as I lay down I feel Kion lay down next to me "all humans are the same they all want everyone dead" as I start to cry I feel Kion start to rub against me "its okay Fuli ill protect you and I know youll protect me right" I smile and nodd "thanks Kion that means alot" suddenly we here some thing fall and we look up to see a type of meat on the ground I watch as Kion smells it "I think its safe" he says confused I smell it as well "smells like buffalo" I state I look at Kion and realise hes starving "ok" I said "but remember if it smells funny" "yeah I know what to do" Kion says chuckling he takes a big bite "wow" he says with a mouth full "this taste amazing" I soon join him in eating it as were cleaning I suddenly realise were not moving I see humans walking  up to the cage they pick it up off this thing that has no legs witch makes me wonder how we got here Suddenly the door opens as me and Kion hesitate I suddenly realise were being freed and I bolt away with Kion right behind me Im free.

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