An Issue With Doors

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Okay guys, so this is my first ever wattpad story. No Taylor, this doesn't involve you; I haven't finished that one yet. I woke up one morning after having a dream of peeping toms, completely inspired. Normally I would think there was something wrong with me, but my first instinct was to write. I started typing frantically only to be interrupted time and time again. I finally just gave up on working on it, content to dwell on the idea, and further develop the story, deciding what was going to flow through my fingers once I got the chance to let them move freely.

Later that night I stayed up, needing to let this idea flourish lest I go insane. From 10 to 4:41 AM I wrote incessantly, and for the first time in forever, I wrote. I finally felt like a real writer again, my hair was in a crazy disarray and I could feel the left over dirty of the day clinging to my skin from lack of a shower. I was starving, parched, and bound and damn determined to finish what I had started.

Anyways, I'm going to let you start reading now. Hope you enjoy!

        "Oh shit, dude. Mary's here!" The burly blond jock beside him put his plastic cup wielded hand to Arin's chest, stopping him mid-step. Arin's hand flew up to his baseball cap and abruptly pulled it down, hoping it would cover his dirty blonde hair and obscure his green eyes. "Isn't that that bat-shit crazy ass stalker chick you've told me 'bout?"

        "Matt! Will you be quiet? Keep your voice down or she'll hear you!" He was whispering even though said little psychotic mind was talking to a group of girls next to a large cedar tree about fifteen paces away with her back turned. It was just a little before sunset in southern Oregon in front of his small one-story house. The wind was threatening to take over the warmth left over from the summer sun, though the ground was only just starting to fade from yellow. Suddenly, that peace was disrupted as he felt a very disgusting presence, as if his side was covered in warm glue and it was slithering across his skin. A presence that was way too close for comfort. His friend Matt's dark brown eyes were now very wide and very white, and Arin was too scared to look.

        "Who will hear what, Riny?" He jumped at the sickeningly sweet voice and the use of that atrocious pet name. He hated pet names, especially when they came from a creepy stalker with curly, shoulder-length, cotton-candy-pink hair pulled up in pigtails, dressed in a skimpy little orange and green outfit that was totally clashing with her physique and itself. The entire ensemble was so revealing she would have been better off not wearing it at all. It also might have looked better if she hadn't; the colors were so revolting. The non-top-like thing over her non-existent breasts seemed to stop just below her obviously hard nipples, and the large collar dipped down into a zipper only an inch long. The thing had no sleeves. The pleated-skirt-resembling object, barely covering her personal regions, was so short, if she moved just right, you could clearly tell she wasn't wearing anything under it in the front. In the back, you could forget about all modesty. She was practically a nude stripper, and to Arin's own disgust, he found himself wishing violation upon her.

        Arin avoided the girls prying light brown eyes and looked to the jock. Matt shook his head and mouthed, "Run, man" nodding in the opposite direction. He heeded the silent advice and circled around the corner of his house, across the vast, bright green lawn, past a short, well-endowed platinum blonde sitting with her legs crossed around a circular table with a group of girls. "Lilith," Arin cried in panic.

        "Coming!" She uncrossed her legs, bumping the table slightly, and stood up. One of the plastic cups sitting on the edge of the round table fell over, spilling its sweet, sticky brown contents onto the body of a near-by brunette. Lilith turned and tended to the poor, soaked girl. Arin circled the house once more, the crazy bitch not as tight on his heels as before, as the brunette made her way into the house. Barely dodging her, he called out to Lilith once more with a bit more urgency.  "Got it!" She ran up to him, matching his pace, jogging alongside him with her lean legs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2012 ⏰

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