Chapter 3

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heyyy. How do you guys like it so far? What would be your ship name for Elizabeth and Niall? Sasha and Zayn? We would like to know what you're thinking!! so comment your ship names! best one gets a character in the story!!!(:

- PS. What do you readers want to be called?

-Sasha Crowley<3)

Sasha's POV

"Sasha, where did you think you're going to go?" Zayn asks, walking right behind me.

"I don't fucking know. But, I do know it's not that room, as long as Liam is there." I snap.

"Oh, well uhm. I just want to tell you, the exit is that way." He points in the opposite direction I'm walking. Then smiles a playful smile.

I smile back, after sighing dramatically. "But still, unless you want me charged with murder, I am not going back there."

"Well, my parents house isn't too far from here. It's about 20 minutes actually." He looks up. "I mean, that's if you want to stay there with me?" he asks shyly.

"I really don't want to be in the way." I say, and I mean that. I hate being in the way. And clearly I was in Liam's. What a fucking asshole. I really don't like him, and it took what? 5 Minutes for me not to?

"Hello?" I finally snapped back from my thoughts. Zayn was getting my attention.

"Oh, sorry." I say. I was just thinking.

"About?" he asks confused.

"What a dick Liam was to me." I say sternly.

"Oh, yeah. Well I was saying, you won't be in the way, I'm pretty sure my parents are out of town for the week anyway." He pauses. "So, what do you say? We wouldn't want you to get into any trouble your first night here, now would we?" he laughs. I think his laugh was the cutest thing ever.

"Well, why not?" I wanted to get to know him better, and this was a good way.

"Alright. Now, do you need anything from that room? Because I will go get it if you need it." He says and I look down from his eyes. "Or, I can ask Michael to just bring your bag down." He smiles.

"I have my phone. So that's really all I need. But I don't have anything to sleep in." I say. I was not going to sleep in ripped skinny jeans and a tank top.

"I have clothes you can sleep in. You know? If that's what you want?" he half asks, half states.

"Oh, okay, sounds alright to me." I giggle a bit.

"Sasha? Would you like to get going now?" He asks walking me to his car.

"Yeah, I would, we aren't getting any younger." I say.

He opened the door to his Ferrari, and helped me in. He then walked around the front of the vehicle, tripped on the tire, and made his way to the door.

When we was in the car, I was still trying not to laugh.

"What?" he asks.

"Nothing." I then burst into complete laughter.

"You saw me trip didn't you?" he asks, a smile slowing appearing on his face.

"Yeah, I did." I said between fits of laughter.

"Hey now, it's not that funny." He tries to defend himself.

"Yeah, yeah it is." I am almost done laughing because my stomach hurts too much.

"Why do you find it so funny? Everyone trips and falls every once and awhile." He smiles.

"It wasn't funny. You're cute." Shit. "I meant it was cute." Sasha. Fucking really?

"You think I'm cute?" he asks confidently .

"Yeah..." I say, my face clearly red as I look out the window at my surroundings.

He stopped the car at a small house. It wasn't very big.

"Hey, look at me." He says taking my chin in his hand.

"What?" I ask still embarrassed.

"It's cute how you called me cute. It's okay because you're beautiful to me."

"Really?" I ask, gaining the original color back into my face.

"Yeah. You're beautiful to me. You're eyes are a gorgeous green-blue like I've never seen. Your nose is so small and cute it's not even funny. If you were mine I would kiss it as much as I could. Your laugh is cute, and contagious. And when you get mad, it's a bit scary, but is so hot, I just wanna.... Never mind." He stops.

"No. tell me. I wanna know what you were going to say." I smirk.

"It's just so hot, that I want to lay you on the bed, and, well, you know." he was blushing quite a bit now.

"No, I don't know." I say smiling. I really did know, I just wanted to hear it from him.

"I want to do everything that would sexually please you." He says hoping it didn't offend me.

"Then why don't you try?" I wink at him.

"Are you sure?" he says smiling.

"Yeah. I am." He took my hand and led me inside.



Elizabeth's POV

As we were about to take things further, we heard someone clear their throat behind us. We both jumped and pulled away. When I turned, there stood another boy, with twinkling blue eyes.

"You two are comfortable with each other then," he said with a smirk.

Niall blushed and I laughed.

"I'm just saying hello," I said.

"Well then in that case, come and say hello to me to!" He said with a wink.

I laughed,"you're very cheeky. I think we will get along. I'm Elizabeth."

"Louis." He said.

As we were introducing ourselves, a short girl with shoulder length blonde hair all but fell into the room. "I'm really very sorry I'm so late!"

Okay then.

"I'm Kaci!" She said with a loud voice.

"Elizabeth," I nodded.

So far, I didn't like this chick. She was a bit annoying.

"I'm so glad I have another girl in my room! By the way, you are gorgeous! I like your hair. And your tattoos, and your piercings! And your clothes! And your makeup! And everything! I'm studying fashion. Could I do a profile of you for my class?" She asks me.

"Yeah, sure you can. I'm not gonna bite or anything."

(A/N okay yes, there's one at the beginning and one at the end. And in Sasha's POV I'm mean ass mother fucker aren't I? but don't worry. You'll get to it. You'll see. Love you all! vote and comment and do whatever the hell you want I guess!) -SMC

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