Chapter 20

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Thank you by the way for second ranking in 'akumatized' it means a lot 

I'm also sorry this is late I was grounded so yeah sorry 

What happened last time (you don't have to read)

"Alya I'm dead to the world if I came back nothing would be the same you know that, I actually died and I don't want to again, and that's a risk I would have to take if hawkmoth akumatized me and this time I don't think I would be coming back again" I tell her

"Yeah Alya we just have to keep fighting" Adrien says to me

"Hey Alya come over to my place for the night and we can catch up" I offer her

"Yeah that would be fun, I will go get my stuff" she says going towards her house leaving me and Adrien

"Sorry, if you need help just call me" he says leaving and I make my way back to my apartment 

Marinette POV 

Alya is coming over for a sleepover and I have nothing ready, it had been so long since I have had a sleepover, I got food and cleaned the general area of my apartment, and at that moment I hear a knock at the door, I went over and opened the door slightly and I saw alya so I opened it 

"Hey girl thanks for having me, I told my parents I was staying with friends" she explains as she walks in

"No problem do you want to sleep with me or on the sofa" I offer her 

"Can I sleep with you" she asks setting her bag on a chair 

"Yeah sure want something to eat" I say sitting on my sofa 

"I'm good for now, wow how can you afford this" she says in awe 

"Well I stole some info and resources before I escaped, like safe houses and bank details" I tell her as she sits down beside me 

"Your a savage girl" she says pushing me and I laugh 

"I'm just doing what I was taught to do, how has it been while I was gone" I ask her in a sincere way

 "It has been hell, but I'm glad your back and now we're about to turn eighteen,we will be adults" she fangirls 

"Well let's be responsible and patrol our city" I ask her 

"I thought you would never ask" she says getting up as her kwami appears 

"Oh my gosh, your kwami is so cute" I say stroking it 

"Thank you ladybug I'm trixx" the orange creature says 

"No prob but I'm not ladybug anymore" I tell it as I get my armour out, after about 10 minutes I had armoured myself up and alya had transformed and we made our way to the Eiffel Tower 

"I love this spot" alya says 

"Yeah me too, shall we get going" I say as we get up, we made our way until we stopped by the grand Paris hotel(is that what it's called I dunno) and I saw police men looking at me 

"What's there problem" alya says noticing them as well 

"I don't know should we find out" I ask her, she nods and alya lifts me down 

"Can we help you officers" alya asks them 

"You can, not them" they say pointing at me and that just made me mad 

"You coward" I mumble 

"Sorry what was that dragon" they say sarcastically 

"You don't want to know" I say pointing my finger on his chest 

"Back up" he says cuffing my hand 

"You think you can cuff me" I say pulling away braking the handcuffs 

Suddenly out of nowhere more policemen arrived and started to surround alya and I 

"This was a bad idea" alya mumbles getting her weapon ready

"If I go down, I ain't going without a fight" I say dodging a police man who went for me 

"Stand down dragon" the captain tells me 

"Why would I listen to you" I hiss at him, when suddenly images flash before me, it was me but not really me it was black widow standing right where I am now and there we police men as well ready to fight her, and I was about to the same thing as her, hurt people, I can't do that again never again, so I don't fight back as the charge at me 

"What are you doing girl" alya shouts at me but I don't respond I let them handcuff me, alya tried to help me but they stopped her pulling her back, I couldn't bare looking at her, I caused her so much pain 

"I'm sorry rena but this is my fault" I say as the put me in a car

"Nooooo" alya yells but her voice cracks as the men pull her away from me 

The car drove away I didn't even bother to look where I was going I already knew where is was going, once the car stopped the men opened the door for me and I got out and I followed them, I couldn't help but notice that I'm taller than most of them, something is up, they bagged me but I knew where is was going I had mapped out the maires office more times than I can remember, they brought me into a secret room and took the bag off 

"Hello dragon, we have you know in custody so you have answer our question or we will have to be a bid hard if you don't co-operate" the maire says as they sit me down opposite him 

"What will you do to me if I don't answer" I say it him 

"We have our ways sadly I say to make you talk" he says to me and then he excuses the men as they finish tying me up which wouldn't stay but I don't brake free

"So why did you give yourself in?" The maire asks me 

"This is a nice room" I say avoiding the question 

"Answer my question" he says to me 

"I like that tie" I tell him avoiding the question again, I know what's going to happen but I don't really care 

"Ok, I'm giving you one more chance, why did you give yourself in" he says getting mad 

"I really like your hotel top class" I say with a smirk I know he can't see under my mask but he knows 

"That's the last straw" he says getting up signaling to a nearby camera and few man walk in and pick me up and before in knew it they threw me into a cell 

"Take your armour off but leave your mask on" they say so I obey there orders, after is was done I had a tank top and some joggers on underneath my hair was down and know my robotic arm was revealed and my scars as well I looked in the mirror, I noticed some that I had from my days as ladybug but those days are over for me, they open the door and I walk out they all stare at my arm and scars 

"Eyes up here boys" I tell them so they look away

"Please follow me" the maire says so I follow him into a room and he chains my hands to the wall

"So you know what will happen if you won't answer the questions I ask you, so why did you give yourself in" he says and I smirk, I deserve what was about to happen to me I had caused so much damage as my inner demon and now it's time to pay 

"Did you know your daughter is a brat" I say to him 

"Ok it's over" he says walking out and another man walks in with a mask on and he placed his tools on a nearby table 

"Shall we begin" he says looking at me 

"I'm all yours" I say excepting my fate 

So hey guys I'm really sorry for not updating I was 'banned from technology' so yeah and I hadn't written anything sorry if this is an emotional chapter 

Love edna 

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