Bloopers Part 2

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Jaden: 'Allo governors, Jaden here. I haven't been updating recently mainly because I have been having exams and I will be having another one soon enough. So to give you guys something, here is another blooper reel, I hope you enjoy


Thundrr: *playing player unknown battleground* I need more Monster.

Jaden: Coming. *gives him 10 cans*

Thundrr: Thanks.


Gary: Ooh, a creeper. I'm gonna kill it.

Creeper: Hisssssssssssss. *explodes*

Gary: *dead*

Ash: This is why you don't go for creepers in Minecraft UHC.


Luke: *walks into his room* WHERE ARE MY HATS???

Lucas: There we are, all clean. Good thing Jaden gave me that robot.

Luke: I WILL KILL YOU LUCAS!!! *starts strangling Lucas*

Lucas: HELP


Miyoko: So Eren, do you have any friends?

Eren: Yes, there is one named Misaka.

Misaka: GET AWAY FROM EREN-SAN!!! *charging with two katanas*

Miyoko: OH HELL NO. *runs off*


Jaden: Seriously, where is everyone?

Everyone else: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *running from a Kekleon shop owner*

Jaden: I did not think they would be stealing from a shop.


Jaden: *building a machine*

Lucas: Hey Jaden, what'cha making?

Jaden: A human Pokemon hybrid machine. It's for a dare Miyoko gave me.

Lucas: I hope she gets something like Sunkern or Wishiwashi.

Jaden: Hope to Darwin that she doesn't find out.


Gary: *charging at Miyoko with a wrench* Take this. *hits her but wrench bends*

Miyoko: How cute.


Miyoko: I like being fused with Kyogre, what are the chances?

Thundrr: Um, look behind you.

Miyoko: What is it?

Yuya: *fires a solarbeam at Miyoko*

Miyoko: *gets hit* Ouch, that hurts.


Paul: *with an eyepatch and broken arm* I hate you JohnathenYoungs for making me do that dare.

Jaden: Look on the bright side, at least you didn't do it naked while singing Dora the Explorer.


Paul, Trip, Lillie and Sophocles: *vomiting on the floor*

Steve: I hate cleaning up these messes.

Thundrr: Don't worry, Yuya will clean it for you.

Steve: Oh,, lovely.


Mairin: I think I might need this. *holding the vile of Chespie's sickness*

Jaden: What is that you've got there?

Mairin: A vile of Chespie's sickness in case of emergency.

Jaden: That'll be useful later on.


Gengar: I got Nincada last time and now I get Ninjask. When will I get Shedinja?

Jaden: I have no idea.


Mallow: Ok Pikachu fire away.

Pikachu: PIKACHUUUU!!! *fires thunderbolt at pot*

Mallow: Ah, perfect.


All the participants: *in water inside the Titanic* HELP!!!

Jaden: Miyoko is going to get killed I am sure.


Stampy: *sniffs the buffalo wings* Mmm, perfect temperature.


Jaden: I blame some of my co-hosts, they don't store some of the things in their properly.

Stampy: Gordon, can you stop talking about how dirty the fridge is and help us with the wings? Melody's mum has made some more and needs more plates.

Gordon Ramsay: Coming.


Jaden: *looking at an impaled Gary* I still have no idea where that picthfork came from.

In a different area

Miyoko: *looking through belongings* Hang on, where are some of my picthforks?


Book: *in the infirmary* I underestimated Yuya.

Yuya: Of course, no one can defeat me in a battle.

Jaden: Actually, I know someone who can.

Yuya: Who, I'll defeat him right now.

Jaden: Over here.

Segata Sanshiro: *comings running in* セガサターン、シロ. (You must play the Sega Saturn)

Yuya: Really, this guy looks just like a random martial artist, I can take him.

Jaden: Oh dear.

Segata Sanshiro: *duplicates himself and beats up Yuya*

Yuya: It'll take more than that*

Segata Sanshiro: *resizes himself and attacks Yuya*

Yuya: You would need more power than that.

Segata Sanshiro: *judo throws Yuya*

Yuya: *flying away* AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! *explodes upon impact*

Jaden: Wait for it.

Yuya: *explodes again*

Segata Sanshiro: *while holding a Sega Saturn* セガサターン、シロ.

Jaden: No one, can defeat Segata Sanshiro.


Jaden: There you have it, I hope you all enjoyed this. I will be posting after the 27th of October so you don't have to worry. I will also be finishing up Kanto Trio and Knights of Arc so stay tuned for the new stories. Cheerio everyone.

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