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"EH?" you stared at him, curiosity overtaking your mind. You wondered what he meant by fun.

He nodded towards the bedroom, making you blush furiously. Wait, wha—

"Let's snuggle under the covers, and talk about random things," he smirked, looking at your reaction. "What did you thought we're gonna do, my dear (Y/n)?"

Caught redhanded. "N-no, nothing at all," you answered, lost for words. "Well, that seems like a fun idea," you pondered, nodding in agreement. You and Levi rarely do that and spend some time together, since everything was always out of place, and they needed the two of you with the other soldiers to help.

"Hmm, it's 11 p.m now, so we better hurry," Levi glanced at the clock that showed the time, ticking away.

"Are you sure you don't want to rest? You can have a few hours of sleep," you suggested, not wanting him to exhaust in the middle of the mission.

"No, I barely sleep for three hours so what can go wrong? Tch, besides I want to spend some time with you, like a normal couple does," he rolled his eyes, and stared at you blankly.

"Haha, alright," you grinned, and sprinted to the bed, already sitting on top of it. You washed the covers and cleaned Levi's office, so when he came back, it'd be shiny and sparkly for him to see.

"Did you clean this place up when I left?" he furrowed his eyebrows, tracing the window on the bedroom to check if it's dusty. "It seems quite clean, but you can do better, I guess. Scrub the floor five times and wash the windows twice next time, (Y/n)."

Ah, there it goes, his 'Clean Freak' self showing. You laughed nervously, and your eyes wandered over. "Ooookayyy, will do, Captain," you replied, saluting.

He approached you and sat on the bed as well, his tongue clicking. "Tch, didn't I tell you not to call me Captain if we're alone?"

"I don't know~" you joked, your eyes blinking in a flirty way, which made him sigh and ran his fingers through his raven hair.

"I guess this will make you remember," he pushed you onto the bed, and was on top of you, smirking in victory as his face inched closer to yours.

"W-waa, Levi, I'm sorry, I remember now," you faltered, your face reddened from his actions. "Please get off."

He got off of you and played with your hair. "See, you were teasing me brat, so I had to tease you back, but I guess I succeeded in making you embarrassed."

"Idiot, hmph," you sulked, hands crossed over your chest. "I hate you."

"Is that so?" he rested his head beside your shoulders, sighing. "Do you really hate me, my dear (Y/n)?"

"Mmmm..." you thought for a second, but then said no, since you didn't want Levi to surprise or punish you again.

"So you love me, my shitty brat?" he smiled, and god, it's the most beautiful and purest smile you've ever seen.

"Yes I do, Levi Ackerman, very much," you inched closer to peck him on his cheeks, resulting him to blush.

Before, Levi Ackerman was a very stoic soldier—emotionless, clean freak, violent. Nobody ever thought that a plain girl could change him, the way he is now.

"I'm tired, let's sleep," Levi crawled on the bed, covering himself with the blanket, and you joined in, sleeping beside him.

"Hm, sleep now so you can wake up early tomorrow," you hummed, stroking your hand on his hair.

"I want to, but I can't," he said, hugging you. He cuddled you in his arms, and giving you small kisses on the nose, cheeks, and head.

"When will you come back again?" you ask, after both of you finished your cuddling session, which were filled with ecstatic giggles.

"I'm not sure either..." Levi scratched the back of his head, cupping your cheeks and kissing it lovingly. "What I know for sure is that I'm gonna fucking miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Levi," you stroked his chest and hung your head, sighing in discontentment. "I really want to spend time with you, though."

He gazed onto your (e/c) eyes, and grazed your cheeks softly. He made his way to your ear, nibbling your earlobe, whispering, "So do I, my love."

"Mm-hmm," you hummed, taking a few locks of hair from Levi and twirling it in amusement. "By the way, why did you decide to disguise as a messenger man? Isn't coming here without a disguise fine?" you asked, tilting your head.

"I wanted to surprise you," he stated, a slight smirk plastered on his usually-emotionless face. "I know how much you love surprises, dear."

"Well you did scare me," you chuckled, shaking your legs beneath the covers. You playfully kicked Levi's leg, in which he groaned in pain.

"Damn brat, why did you do that?" he glared intensely at you, but you grinned in excitement.

"Just playing~" you slurred your words, "does it hurt, really?"

"Fuck, yes it does," he groaned. "Well then maybe I should do this," he licked your earlobe, which cause you to moan. He nibbled it again for the second time, and his hands roam over your body— but of course, Levi being Levi, he won't actually sexually touch you without permission (maybe).

"L-Levi, stop!" you whined as you squirm under his kinda sexual touches. "No, don't, L-Levi!"

He looks to you and gave a creepy smile, "That's your punishment, (Y/n). Who told you that you can kick me freely? Do you think doing such actions to a soldier would do any good, hm?" he said in your ear, still nibbling it as you moaned, a scarlet blush appeared now in your cheeks.

"N-no, stop."

"Say it again, beg for me."

"P-please, Levi, I'm sorry, so stop this..."

"Now that's better."

He distanced himself from you and gave you a sly smirk as your whole face is now as red as a tomato.

"Let's go to sleep now, love," he caressed your cheeks and planted a kiss on the top of your forehead. He took your petite body in his broad arms, and embraced you tightly as you continue to smell Levi's scent— the scent you have been dearly missing for almost a week.

You nuzzled your head on his chest, and intertwined your fingers with his. You were glad that you get to spend a night with him, though he will be gone for the next day. You hummed and closed your eyes as he wrapped his arms around you, filling your heart with affection.

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