Chapter Nine

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The days to come were unlike any others previously. We were called to the training hall. Rodriguez and I stood side by side among the other newly initiated Elites. We wondered what crazed mission we would be asked to complete next.

The senior Elites stood before us and my eyes searched for Ward and Hap. Ward stood tentative at Hap's side as he sat in a wheelchair. He looked much better; there was color in his face again and he had regained a small smile. Brigadier Shepherd stepped singularly as he paced in front of us. We did not dare breathe to interrupt the echo of those steps.

"Call me impressed to see that so many of you have survived your first mission. You're Elites now and for that you will be celebrated. But where there is celebration there is dance and you will learn one dance in particular to perfection for the upcoming Ball being held in your honor," he lectured.

A dance? I looked at Rodriguez and he looked almost as flabbergasted as me. We had been called to the training hall to learn a dance, there was something so off-putting about that. One of us asked what dance it was and the answer was 'The Viennese Waltz'. I had heard of that dance before. It was the oldest classical ballroom dance originated in Eastern Europe. It had an exact footwork pattern and fluid movements that required years of mastery. I couldn't imagine Shepherd breaking from his rigid character to become a dance instructor.

"Titus, you and Ward will be leading today's lesson," Shepherd said.

Titus sighed and stepped forward as did Ward. My jaw nearly dropped at the thought. Ward, a dancer, the idea sounded so unbelievable and farfetched yet there she was stepping into a long flowing skirt that Stone offered her. There she was a bandaged little doll in a full-length skirt and him-a large bestial hulk cradling her ever so softly in his hands. A soft classical tune began to ring throughout the room in a soft melody and the two of them spun effortlessly in the waltz.

They were good, really good. Ward was so tiny against Titus. She whirled around with her ruffles twirling around elegantly. While the dance itself was tender and engaging their expressions were not. They didn't so much as look at each other. Their act of blatant disregard for one another was astounding. I was entranced by their fluidity together but at the same time still in disbelief that the two of them knew the intricacies of something as delicate as dancing.

In the time I had been watching the lesson Hap rolled up to us in his wheel chair.

"So do either of you know how to dance?" He asked.

Absolutely not and my face said as much.

"I learned the Tengo from my mother, but this? No way," Rodriguez answered.

Hap smiled and laughed.

"Well then I'd better start teaching you," he said.

I continued to watch Titus and Ward as they brought the dance to a close.

"You're astonished that she could be so good at something outside of the Elite program. I was just as wide eyed as you the first time I saw her dance. Believe it or not she was the one who taught me," Hap said with a smile.

"Really, I never would have imagined that," Rodriguez said.

"It's easy to forget that she's still human behind the shell", Hap said as he stared fondly at her.

We began to take instruction from Hap and even in a wheelchair he was a good teacher. After a while he began to rub his leg and we knew it must have pained him even though he said otherwise. Ward came to join us and when she saw Hap's discomfort she frowned at him.

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