Chapter Three

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A/N: IM SORRY! I was a bit busy but im back now :)

Enjoy x

Your P.O.V.

My eyes flutter open and I take in my surroundings. Yep, still in the fucking basement on the hard ground. I look around once more until my eyes land on the brown wooden door that im assuming is locked...doesn't hurt to try though.

I groan and sit up before walking over to the door. After jiggling the handle a few times I sigh "Locked...just as I thought" I spot a small window. It's boarded up but im sure I can get through it. Why is it boarded? Has he taken other girls before me?

I take the step stool that was once lying upside down near the door and place it against the wall. After almost falling off of it I attempt to pull the nailed wood from the window frame, earning a very painful splinter along the way.

"Fuck" I mutter as the blood drips down my finger to my wrist. I wipe it on my shirt and continue working on my escape. I finally get the wood off and its pretty much a piece of cake from there. All I have to do is open this window

Done :)

I lift my arm and pull my body up so my entire top half is through the window. Yes! Im so out of this house! I feel the warm sun on my skin and the grass inbetween my fingers. Im struggling a bit to get my hips through. "And this" I grunt "Is why I need to lose weight"

Just then, its as if the sun disappeared. "I think you're perfect" I hear from above me. I lift my head to see Austin standing there shirtless with a bag of top soil in his arm. His uncle walks up beside him with a confused expression. My mouth drops for two reasons

One, He caught me trying to escape

Two, He looks smoking hot right now

"Just where do you think you're going?" he chuckled. I wipe a bit of sweat from my forehead before replying "I-I was looking for you sweetheart" I smile before greeting his uncle "Goodmorning" I wave "Mornin...are you stuck, YN?" his uncle asked

"Who me? Oh no Im just hangin out" I pant. I actually do need help. The frame of the window is literally digging into my stomach. "Stay here and keep her company" Austin points at his uncle before running towards the front of the house. I hear foot steps through the house then I hear the basement door open. Im expecting him to pull me down but instead I feel him slowly rub my legs. He squeezes my ass, causing me to squeel. "Ah!"

I hear Austin laugh. He finally pulls me down by my waist. Once im back on my feet he turns me towards himself. He cups my cheek and kisses me softly. God, he has the lips of an angel....NO I have to stop thinking like that. This guy fucking kidnapped me I can't start enjoying his kisses! Im supposed to hate him. I push him away, disconnecting our lips. "I want to go home, now" I whine. He looks down, guilt flooding his eyes. He sighs "No. Im not letting you go home. This is your home now"

He kisses me again and leads me to his room. I groan as I land on his bed and place my arm around my bruised stomach "Damn window" I mutter. Austin laughs hysterically "Nobody told you to do that. It was your own decision"

I roll my eyes and look around the room. He has a shelf covered with awards and medals. They all had something to do with music.
"1st place in talent show"
"Best vocals"
"Most likely to become famous"

"You sing?" I ask him. His eyes go wide before he sits down next to me. He grabs my hand and kisses it

"I don't want to talk about it..lets just relax and watch a movie or something. I was thinking of going to the store later if you want to go do not run off though" he joked. I smiled and nodded.



"You said that you would explain everything to me today so.."

"Oh yeah" he mumbled

A/N: Aha! Left you with a cliff hanger


Never Going Back Austin Mahone (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now