Part 20

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Krystal drives her car to YJ Group HQ with her mother and Jessica. She's excited to join the company and learn more about photography since it was her interest since before. She heard more about the company photographer from Taeyeon and she excited to see that person and work with her. Irene also be nice to her since the dinner night and Irene said she want to be her friend back then that why Irene try hard to save her from her bad attitude. Now they make good friend even it still feel awkward

"That's the building" Krystal said as she saw the building from far

"Someone look excited" Jessica tease

"Of course, I can't wait to be the real photographer" Krystal said confidently

"Good luck baby" Mrs. Jung pats Krystal head

"Thanks mom"

"You'll learn more about your carrier from your senior. She's expert in that field and she's nice person. We worked with her few times already and she's really kind and funny. She not hesitate to guide her co-worker if they still not good in taking good photo" Jessica said

"Glad to hear that" Krystal smile ear to ear and her mood is so good that morning

"Are there any traffic jammed at main entrance?" Jessica asked since she sits at the back seat

"Em, look like not"

"That's good then. If they have client from overseas, we can't even pass the entrance"

Krystal parked her car at the car park and they get out of the car

"Let go" Jessica said and lead their way to the building. The area not much crowd since the time is 9 AM and everyone busy at the office or go somewhere

They sit at the couch that provide at the lobby "Unnie, where is your boyfriend? He wanted us to wait at the lobby"

"Maybe he's still busy" Jessica said

Later they saw someone familiar jogged to the main door

"Isn't that Taeyeon secretary?" Mrs. Jung said

"Yea, that's her" Jessica said

Few second later, they saw Taeyeon and Seulgi enter the building and walk to the elevator

"Unnie, that's him"

"I think he have something to do for a while. Let me ask" Jessica said and make phone call to Taeyeon

"Hello...oh, ok" she hung up

"What he said?" Mrs. Jung asked

"His secretary answered the phone. She said wait for a while"

While waiting for Taeyeon, they also saw Hyoyeon and Victoria on their way to go somewhere. The president just wave happily to them and give thumb up to Krystal as sign of good luck to her. Krystal return the greeting happily

After 10 minutes waiting, finally Taeyeon coming

"Sorry everyone, I have something to do earlier" Taeyeon apologize and sit on the arm chair

"It's ok, we don't mind" Jessica said and she fight for urge to hugging and kissing Taeyeon since it not proper place to show affection

"You look tired" Mrs. Jung said with concern

"A little bit but I'm ok mom" Taeyeon smile widely "Wait for a while, we'll go to Sunyoung office later"


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