4- Sleep Paralysis

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If you've never heard of Sleep Paralysis this would probably change your definition of sleeping

One long night I was so happy to return from work. So I stripped into my pajamas and went to sleep in case you're wondering, I live alone. Dark is the way I like to sleep so I don't bother with the t.v. A while into my sleeping I woke up to discover that I was TOTALLY IMMOBILE! Not only that but there was some dark figure with dark red eyes walking to me. I couldn't even move my mouth for anything.

The creature began plugging my nose so that I couldn't breath. I  thought this was the end until the impossible happened, my phone lit up because of a notification. The evil shadow disapeared.

Fun Fact: Sleep Paralysis occurs randomly when the target sleeps. The target would not be able to speek, open their mouth, and move. If you or a loved one ever experienced sleep paralysis then it's not a hauting of the house. It's best to just forget about it and fill their thoughts with positivity.

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