The Adarna Manananggal

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The Adarna bird-of-prey is a strange creature, a beguiling diwata in the black web who lures travelers into her lair, a Kalumpang maligno tree, where she charms them with a song and an embrace, and after making love to them, insinuates a poison woven into her cooing song whcih calcifies the victim into a tree stump of fossilized soul.  That means your avatar gets croaked and the feedback to your system fries your computer and steals all your files in as much time as you watch the Adarna overwhelm your avatar.  Like a low-rez porn vid.

This sentient alien virtual construct, the  Adarna is of terrifying beauty, with gorgeous tufted feathers, a human face that is angelic, and the sinuous curves of a siren with the feather tufted legs that end in rending claws with poison and toxins that no remedy known from anti-malware solutions or active anti-virus can counter.

As a self-replicating, devastating hive-malware, this Adarna is like an armada of crawlers that engulf systems with each hive crawler finding just any nook and cranny to breach through and compromise any system, it is the only weaponized hive-malware intrusion that cannot be nuked.  

A single hive crawler script  that escapes detection will mutate back into the Adarna Bird of Prey and leave behind an archaic wallpaper image of the gorgeous celebrity namesake from some Asian country.  This insidious virus was uploaded into a military-grade cyborg  that is also implanted by a supernatural black chick of the manananggal.  She is a female assassin that can discharge a quantum field that allows it to move around it's target by dilating time and using a hypnotic siren song to mask her physical movements.  She moves faster than the eye can see if her victim listens to her song, but is actually moving like a fast twitch sprinter across the room.

Her song itself is designed to trip human synapses and induce disorientation and even a black out, if the target is weak willed and is easily fooled by optical illusions.  

The cyborg has optimized hyperservo-muscular flex-joints that allow for maximum maneuvering in tight spaces, so it is difficult to get a purchase on it if one were fighting dirty with this sentient alien manifest.  

It also feeds on human offal, the heart and even the brain, to sustain the supernatural black chick.  Once the black chick is acclimatized inside the bio-cyborg, it can actually mutate the artificial body into an actual predatory mananaggal self segmenting vampire demon.

This Adarna has been sent out to ice Wolfy and Gank, steal their neural imprint and rob the two of their cache of The King's Ransom and any other cash on hand that they had.  As a vendetta for the two mounting attacks on Barang Saridandan coven members.

Wolfy and Gank have been attacking too many coven islands in the Black Web that they got flagged by a creepy corporate watchdog monitoring internet activity called Samonte.

Malakas and Maganda had manifested themselves again into 3D space.

After some resourceful cajoling with their users, Gank and Wolfy, they were able to reconfigure their physical forms into the way they actually look in their own virtual cosmos.  Except they were made out of physical bamboo-carbon composites.  Wearing faux-skin faces with fixed smiles like that Virus villain on that old cartoon series, the two things never spoke.  Only listened to verbal orders from their users, Wolfy and Gank plus USB thumb drive uploaded instructions. Even a Word document sufficed for either.

Although their weapon stash isn't as Ticonderoga as they were designed on the web, Wolfy and Gank knew the two scarecrows could still knock the bejeezus out of any alien sentient Cyborg terrorist.  The two were given artifacts to help fight off supernatural monsters that prey on real world farms and communes.

The giant bio-chemical conglomerate, Samonte, had resorted to summoning supernatural strongarm, just to subvert countries that were still independent of their octopus grip on world agriculture.  Countries that were smarter have outlawed bio-chemical anything from Samonte.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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