Chapter 4: To live or die

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Tommy is teleported to a temple on top of a mountain. "Well, it looks like it all starts here." Tommy walks up to the temple but there is no door at all. At the top of the tower, there is a window at the top. "Now how do I get up there?" Tommy starts to look around to see if there was another way in.

After a good ten minutes, Tommy is not able to find a way in another then the window. "Well, this is just not good how do I get in there." Tommy kicks the ground out of frustration by doing so he kicks snow off a rope. Tommy picks it up "now how did that get here? Oh well." Tommy says and throws the rope up and hooks the window in one shot.

Tommy starts up the rope and a great wind starts to blow knocking Tommy back and forth. The closer Tommy gets to the top the more the wind blows. "What is going on here? It's almost like the wind is trying to stop me." Tommy starts to swing the rope with the wind making him go higher and higher. Once Tommy is over the window he lets go of the rope and dives into the window.

Tommy lands on a soft pillow. "Well this is nice but why is this here." Tommy gets up and starts down a long hallway. This hallway leads him to a circular room with three doorways and an old man standing in the middle of the room. "My Name is Trynom and Tommy the time of your test is here," Trynom says. "Test is that how I get the power of the Ultra Ranger?" Tommy asks. "Yes, Tommy it is. You need to pick one of the three doors. All the help I can give you is that you can ask me one question and that's it." Trynom says.

Tommy looks at the doors and then at Trynom. "What will it be Tommy?" Trynom asks. "I will ask you this what is behind the doors?" Tommy says. Trynom smiles "Now that is a good Question. Behind this door is a way of life, it is your job to pick the right one. The door to the left leads to the day you became the Green Ranger. The one in the middle leads to tones and tones of gold. And the last door leads to a fiery death." Trynom says.

"All I have to do is pick a door?" Tommy asks. Trynom nods his head. "Well let see I would never give up being a Ranger I love that life. Gold may buy a lot but it will not buy happiness. So I pick the door of fire." Tommy says and walks over to the door and opens it. Trynom bows and disappears. Tommy walks into the room and the door closes behind him. "If this is how it must be I will die so that the rest can live on," Tommy says and is closed in a white light. A huge White Phoenix flies out of Tommy's heart. "Tommy, as I was reborn so too will you be, as the White Ultra Ranger. Tommy hold your morpher to the sky and yell out White Phoenix." The Phoenix says and flies off.

Tommy Holds his Morpher up. "WHITE PHOENIX!" Tommy yells and in a flash of white light is morphed into the White Ultra Ranger. "Back in White again, all right!" White Ranger says.

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