Character Profile

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Chapter 5| Character Profile

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Chapter 5| Character Profile

Hiya everyone! It's Ki here once again, and I am here to give you guys a few character profiles to choose from.

1. A very detailed one, the exact one I use

Link: (will also be provided in the comments, pm if you can't access it)

2. A image character profile, not as detailed

 A image character profile, not as detailed

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3. Another image character profile, probably the least detailed out of all of them

 Another image character profile, probably the least detailed out of all of them

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4. Highly detailed one, another image one

 Highly detailed one, another image one

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5. Link profile

6. Additional questions to ask yourself in your character profile:

1.If your character has a job, is he or she good at it? Does he or she like it?
2.What are your character's bad habits?
3.If you asked about his or her greatest dream, what would your character tell you?
4.What's a secret dream that he or she wouldn't tell you about?
5.What kind of person does your character wish he or she could be? What is stopping him or her?
6.What is your character afraid of? What keeps him or her up at night?
7.What does your character think is his or her worst quality?
8.What do other people think your character's worst quality is?
9.What is a talent your character thinks he or she has but is very wrong about?
10.What did his or her childhood home look like?
Who was his or her first love?
11.What's the most terrible thing that ever happened to him/her?
12.What was his/her dream growing up? Did he/she achieve this dream? If so, in what ways was it not what the character expected? If your character never achieved the dream, why not?
13.In what situation would your character become violent?
14.In what situation would your character act heroic?


I hope that this chapter helped you guys out (: let me know which character profile you like best. And if you have any more for us to add email them to us at:


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