chapter2: they arrive

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all the girls are sleep expect chrissy because she is driving the car

chrissy: guys wake up

they all wake up they were knocked out they arrive at there house. there house was a 4 stare bedroom. and they had 3 bathroom.the girls get out the car and there was boys a cross the street

the boys from across the street: DAMN! you see they fine ass girls they got ass.

the boys from across the street hell yea they do

chrissy, kayla: you see those guys from across the street

kayla: yea what about them

chrissy: they keep looking at us

kayal: it don't matter let's just go into the house and unpack

chrissy: ok

they girls go inside their house.there house is really big and they all had their own bathroom they start to walk outside and get some boxes.when a of a sudden some boys come over and help

princeton: do you need help

chrissy: ummm yes

when chrissy looks up she saw that it was princeton helping her

chrissy: aren't you princeton

princeton: yea

chrissy: i can't believe it's really you

princeton: yes it really is

chrissy: we have alot of boxes

princeton: no problem i'll tell my boys to come and help

chrissy: ok thanks

"princeton calls the guys"

ray,roc, and prodigy: wassup

princeton: can y'all help them

ray,roc and prodigy: sure

chrissy calls the girls.when yhe girls come outside they see mindless behavior they was so happy.but they are not like the rest of the girls.

princeton: where should i put this box

chrissy: y'all can just leave it in the living room

the guys: ok

princeton: isn't chrissy pretty

ray,roc, and prodigy: yea

kayla walks inside the house and she sees all the boys staring at her.ray walks over to kayla and says hi

ray: hey

kayla: hi

ray: wats your name

kayla: kayla

ray: well i'm ray ray

kayla : i know who you are

ray: well that's good to know

kayla: well i think chrissy wants us to get the rest of the boxes

ray: ok

"kayla left the room"

princeton: you and kayla would make a good couple

ray: i think

princeton: i'm serious

ray: i think we would to

the boys go outside.when they go outside there was no more boxes

the girls: well thank you guys gor everything

the guys: ur welcome

prodigy: sorry i didn't introduce myself but my name is prodigy

jordan: well that"s ok my name is jordan

prodigy: well hi jordan i hope we can be really good friends

jordan: me too

roc: hi angel

angel: hi

roc: wats your name

angel: my name is angel

roc: well hi angel my name is roc and i hope i can get to know you

angel: me too

the girls say bye to all the guys

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