Chronicles of Acheron ( Fall of Kingdoms )

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Chapter 1: Birth of Acheron.

           In the beginning, there was chaos and there was cosmos. Chaos was the darkness and cosmos was the light.

Cosmos established a balance in the universe by making space,  while chaos challenged stability by calling in time.

It was the collision of chaos and cosmos that ultimately resulted in continuos creatian of space and time. It was then,

From within a whirling vortex of creative energy and the intersection of space and time that the world was born -Acheron.

The Immortal Land. But when the forces that had gathered and opposed one another had formed the land, they stoped.

A new stability seemed to descend upon the universe, and with acheron the cycle of mad creation simply ended.

Chapter 2: Prophecy of the two moons.

           Acheron is the planet of two moons. Miseria, the first moon of misfortune. Ricchez, the second moon, is the moon of properity.  miseria and ricchez orbit acheron a defferent speeds. And so they too have cycles.  the bi-lunar cycle is 12 days, and corresponds with the 12 gods of Incar, which is the predominant religious philosophy of the current human population of acheron. Then the night when king Helios dreamed that the Oracle nimus foretold a great distruction among the land will come to all kingdoms of men. The news have spread among kingdoms of acheron what king helios dreamed that the oracle been told. The all the kingdoms  have decided to make a contingency plan by making an ellite group of warriors to train for the day of wreckening. So the Order of  Arca was stablished. A group of heros,warriors of every kind where joined by one porposed. To protect humanity for all cost. They consist of the five kingdoms  unique traits. The hellion knights of the west, best of the to art of sword and shield the frontliners of war. The mirophis high hunters of  south. Descended from the amazonian tribes. Masters of spears.daggers and mostly the bow and crossbow. Excellent marksmen silent and deadly. The rhimtary elemental mages of the east. Masters of all elementsl and arcane magic,  the midharun warriors of the north. Men of pure rage and brute force. Know for there barbaric ways of fighting,much stronger and physicaly bigger than ordinary men. And the etheros of mid king controls beast of epic proportion. Theres little to be known about the etheros. There mostly secretive of there ways.


           A prophecy was foretold when the two moons of acheron aligned.  a war of mass chaos will rised upon the kingdoms across acheron, that will result death and damnation among the inhabitant of this world. But that was a thousand years ago. That prophecy was long forgotten. Peace among the kingdoms of  acheron was stablished when the five kingdoms merged as one. The kingdom of terra midharun,hellion,etheros.mirophis and rhimtary were united as one powerful kingdom of the realm of men. And now know as the kingdom of Arcana.

Chapter 3: Unseal the Abyss and Unforeseen Distruction.

           Then time came when the Prophecy have been forefilled, when the two moons miseria and ricches aligned. Tensions arose with original gods, who had ruled the land for mellenia long before humans came to the lands of acheron. The pride of humans and the pride of the gods could no coexist without conflict, and a war was the result. The humans where clever and they had mastered some of the gods own magic to use against them, but they where no much for gods alone. It was then 200 years ago, that kalzio varcum, known as one of the wisest among the human, made his most tragic mistake. Kalzio rightly saw that tide of the battle  was going against his kind , and he sought a way to even the odd. His choice was to hold a ceremony of unsealing to unleash the creatures of the abyss , an underworld of monster that had been sealed by powerful spell and wards to keep them out of the upper lands.

At first this seemed to work, as the creatures of the abyss swarmed up and fought the gods, whom they hated more than humans because of the gods inprisoning them from the lowerbound. Providing the victory kalzio had predicted. Kalzio had always intended to reseal the abyss once the gods had been vanquished, but he had miscalculated badly.Zaron, a demigod in his own right,  had no intention of going back to the depths of the abyss. He turned his minions against the humans as soon as the gods where beaten back, intent on causing misery and distruction and an end to human dominance of the land. His intention was to kill manny humans and enslave the rest.

Although kalziotried to control zaron, he was not strong enough, for zaron had grown ibn power since the time of the first unsealing. In an ipic battle kalzio died at zarons hand, even as he once again invoked the seals that would send his enemy back to the great darkness. Zaron was gone,for now,  but monsters spawned in the abyss, remained, and they all but decimated what was left of the human race, already ravaged by years of war and caught unsuspecting by kalzios risky gambit. What remained was but a fraction of the race that had once dominated the land and challenged the gods themselves.

This was called the GRAND FALL, THE FALL OF ACHERON.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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