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Jungkook was playing over at jimins house, jimin was Jungkook's best friend, but jimin is ten and Jungkook is only eight which means jimin was his Hyung. "Jimin,Jungkook someone at the door!" Jimin rolled his eyes and got up to see who it was. He opened the door with his tiny hands to see who it is. But then grew annoyed cause it was yugyeom "oh hey yugyeom what are you doing here" yugyeom smiled softly looking at jimin but jimin didn't react to the smile. He hated that perfect smile. Deep down jimin hated yugyeom  with a burning passion, "oh well I got bored and I came over here to hang out with you and Jungkook if you don't mind" jimin just slowly nodded and opened the door so yugyeom could walk in. Yugyeom took off his shoes as he followed jimin up to his room. As yugyeom and Jimin walked into the room Jungkook noticed who was beside jimin and smiled widely running up and hugging yugyeom tightly "yug I missed you!" Yugyeom smiles softly and hugged Jungkook back "I missed you as well kookie~" jimin hands turned into fists while glaring at yugyeom with burning eyes. "How dare he call Jungkook, kookie I only call him that, not yugyeom and he's touching my kookie" jimin thought still glaring at how they hugged.

1 hour later

"Goodbye jimin and mrs park thank you for letting me stay" Jungkook said bowing. Mrs park just nodded while smiling, "kookie you will see me tomorrow right?" Jimin tilted his head slightly to the side smiling going to hug Jungkook. Jungkook nodded smiling back "yes of course jiminnie I'll always be by your side even tomorrow" jimin giggles as Jungkook comes out of the hug and starts to walk home with his father waving back at jimin and jimin just smiles back waving. Going back into the house and closing the door. Once the door closed jimin started to giggle to himself "kookie will never leave me" jimin then thought of yugyeom and started to get angry and stomp his feet  "mother!" Jimin yelled stomping his feet as she looked over her shoulder looking at jimin while she sipped on her wine "yes sweetheart" jimin crosses his arms while tapping his foot "I want two bunnies lots of huge plushes and two gold and diamond pandora bracelets saying Jungkook on it then one for me saying my name on it and I want them now!" Jimin yelled being the brat he is, jimin mother shook her head and said no. Jimin was shocked at this and started to scream sitting on the floor and kicking his legs "I want them now!" Jimin mother signed and got up from her chair. She hated to see her child like this and crouch down stroking the side of his face. "Okay calm down sweetheart I'll get you what you asked for". Jimin smiles and stopped screaming getting up and walking away. "Kookie is going to be so happy and he will be mine no one can take him away...not even yugyeom" jimin started to giggle again.

The next day

Jimin and Jungkook were walking around the shops looking for things to buy, jimins butler was with him  "I want that....that and also that" even though jimin was 10 he already acted like he was a adult. The butler picked up all the stuff jimin asked for "young master don't you think you have enough" jimin stopped and looked at the butler "did I say you could talk" the butler shook his head quickly and jimin just smirked " kookie do want to share my ice cream" Jungkook looked at the ice cream and declined shaking his head while smiling softly "b-but why... does kookie not like me anymore" Jimin said glaring at Jungkook. Jungkooks mouth opened a bit "I do like you jimin I'm just not hungry right now" jimin kept glaring at Jungkook holding the ice cream to his face "then eat the ice cream kookie you wouldn't like to see me upset...right?" Jungkook quickly shook his head and licked some off the ice cream smiling "good now I won't get upset" jimin giggled and Jungkook was looking at jimin smiling. Jungkook already knew how jimin acted so seeing jimin upset was sad and he didn't like that.

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