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For those who still don't know what Fredric looks like, that is what I imagine him to look like, like Sebastian FUCKING Stan (minus the metal arm).

ALSO important A/N

Harry has every right to be angry but not be a dick and treat Reina like shit and call her a whore. Remember that guys. He can be really cruel when he's angry because when he's angry he only thinks about himself and never consider other people's stories/sides.

Y'all would be bash Reina if the situation was reversed and Reina treated Harry like shit. I'm not saying sympathize with Reina more, but like understand that it isn't right the way Harry acts. 

If any of y'all think him calling her a whore, then ya no I wouldn't be okay with it and neither would Reina because it's not like he said it by accident. He said it SPECIFICALLY to hurt her because he knew he would gain a reaction from her by doing it.

ANYWAYS! Hope y'all enjoy this long awaited chapter, and pls excuse errors x !!



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"Why is she crying?"

"I believe," Fredric began to say with a deep frown, disliking Harry's careless and irritated tone. "She was forced to lock Vaera up. Myles told me it upset her greatly as she felt like she was locking up her own child."

"Oh," Harry muttered with a softer expression, green eyes lingering on Reina whose eyes were bloodshot from vigorous crying.

"You should go comfort her," Fredric tried to suggest, wishing desperately that they'd apologize to each other and move on from what happened. But Harry's face scrunched up at Fredric's words.

"I'd rather not," Harry muttered with his gaze averted to the floor, adjusting his leather gloves on his hands.

He was trying to put on a façade where he was harsh and cold, and just bitter overall. But on the inside, he was hurting terribly and seeing Reina upset over locking up Vaera couldn't help but soften his hard exterior. They were currently getting ready to leave Vardomos that evening. They had an early dinner, and packed all their things so they could travel by carriage this time.

Harry spent his day practicing some sword fighting and riding with Fredric and Myles to distract himself from the pain his wounded heart suffered from. Reina on the other hand allocated different timings of the day to spending it with the ones she loved. Aella, Reyes, Genevieve, Nira and lastly Vaera. Saying goodbye to Vaera was heartbreaking for Reina to do so because it was pretty much the first time she's done such a thing.

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