Chapter 10- Flaws

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One Love, Two Mouths – A Zachary Abels Story

Chapter 10 – Flaws

I'm convinced that we don't make sense, but I'd kill anyone who gets close – Pierce the Veil


“Fucking airplanes,” Kendall muttered as she stared out of the window. She hated airplanes. Not because she was afraid of heights –because she wasn’t – it was because of all the obnoxious people that would also be on her flight: crying babies, annoying kids, and bitchy flight attendants.

“You alright?” Mikey nudged her shoulder. She smiled weakly and nodded.

Surprisingly she wasn’t seated with Zach. Unfortunately, Zach was seated 3 rows behind her own, seated next to Jeremy. A small part of her wanted to sit with him so they could catch up and figure out what they were. Friends? She wasn’t sure. She didn’t want to be friends, but she assumed friends were better than enemies.

They only had around ten minutes until they landed. She spent most of the flight sleeping, but now that she was awake, she was bored out of her mind. It was a 5 ½ hour flight and because Hawaii is 2 hours behind, they would be arriving at 8 a.m. in Hawaii. She didn’t understand why Jesse booked the flight tickets for such an early time, but he paid so she didn’t ask.

“Excuse me passengers,” a voice came over the intercom. “We will be arriving in Honolulu, Hawaii in a few minutes so please fasten your seat belts. Thank you for flying with us.”

Kendall and Mikey clicked on their seat belts once again and prepared for landing. Kendall’s feet were itching for land. Her legs were cramping and the airplane seats were not comfortable at all.


“We’re staying at the Royal Hawaiian,” Jesse said with a smile as the driver stopped in front of the hotel. It was a huge building; the outside of it tinted pink.

“Now,” Jesse clapped his hands. “Room arrangements. Mikey, Jeremy and Zach will be in one room and Kendall and I will be in another.”

As they unloaded their bags and Jesse met with the front desk, Kendall felt Zach’s eyes on her. She was uncomfortable, and she didn’t want to meet his gaze.

Jesse walked over to the group and handed everyone a key card.

“Mikey, Jeremy, and Zach will be in 1009, and Ken and I will be in 1010.”

Kendall quickly glanced at Zach. He was staring down at his feet, a frown on his face. Was he as disappointed as Kendall was over the fact that they weren’t sharing a room?

All five somehow managed to squeeze themselves and their luggage into the elevator. Her shoulders were pressed up against Jeremy and the wall, and the trip to their floor felt like years.

They all trudged out of the elevator, and Jesse unlocked their room. She followed him in, and was immediately drawn to the sliding glass doors at the end of the room. Beyond them was the breath-taking view of the Hawaiian coast.

She heard Jesse chuckle from behind her as he proceeded into the bedroom. She looked to the left and Zach stood on the balcony also, but he wasn’t watching the wave’s crash hit the shore. He was watching her.

“Who wants to go swimming?” She heard Mikey yell from Zach’s room. She laughed and walked into the room. She hadn’t been in a swim suit in a while, so hopefully it still fit her.

“Do you wanna go to the pool?” Kendall asked Jesse as she walked into the bedroom. He  was sat on the bed, scrolling through his phone. He looked up and smiled.

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