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"Ashton, someone is on the phone for you" my mom calls from the kitchen. I go into the kitchen and find my mom with a huge smile on her face holding out the phone. I take it. "Hello?" I say. "Hi my name is Bart Bordelon and theres a tour I'm starting called Magcon and the people who are going to be touring in it recommended for you to come along because you are popular on vine, would you like to?" "Um sure I would be honored" "Great, we will pay for your plane tickets and your hotel and you will be getting partial amount of what we make every event" "Okay sounds great" "All of Magcon are meeting in California next Thursday at 7:30. You live like 30 minutes away so I will email you the address" "Okay thank you so much" "Thank you, I will see you Thursday then" I hung up. I looked at my mom and screamed. She hugged me. "I'm so proud of you ashton" She said. "I can't believe it"

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