Part 9

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Hey guys how are you? I made a twitter so go check it out I will tweet whenever I update and will be anwsering my mentions on there so go check it out btw I didnt add Brent and them in the start because I didnt want to go through all the coming and going


Matt and I got into my car and decided to go to eat. We went to Taco Bell because we both agreed on it.

Me and Matt took some pictures and posted them on instagram. We talked about the first magcon and how fun it would be.

We both couldn't wait to go to Nashville!!! I always wanted to go there on trips but my mom never really wanted to. My mom likes Chicago and New York city, places like that.

A couple of girls came up to Matt and asked for pictures. Its always kind of awkward when that happens to be honest. Not anyone really likes me right now, at least the people I have seen. Thats why I can't wait till magcon because I love to meet fans. By the time the fans were gone me and Matt were done eating. It was getting late so we called it a night and decided to hang out longer some other time. I dropped off Matt at the hotel and drove home.

I had a text from Bart saying our meeting was at 4:00 on wednesday... Great I have to go to school. People will be asking me about it which I'm not ready to face.

I really wanted to hang out with Cameron because I need to see who I like better. I don't care if they like me back I just can't be crushing on two guys!!! And I flirt with both of them so its not good.

I text cameron 'hey we should hang out tomorrow :*' he replies almost right away. 'Sounds like a plan. I will pick you up at 1:00' 'okay thanks'

I can't wait to see Cameron's lovely face again I think, smiling to myself.


Sorry for the short chapter, well its not like you guys care I only have like 2 readers and they read every part so its 16 so to those two people hi :)

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