conceal don't feel || part10

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*harry POV*

"hey harry want to take a dinner with us?"

it's zayn,why zayn suddenly pop out like this?,i look at jenn her face was frustrated why??,is she don't like zayn or...

"eh..sorry if i bothering you guys" zayn say with turn his face down

"what?what no ,no,you're not,really you're not" 

why is she so panic?

"eh...i think i'll leave you guys alone,haha..bye"

she say with turn back and walk away,she is interesting and funy and weird i think we'll be good friend,i always hope that i can talk to my fans one by one like this  i grab her wrist and..

"you want join us?,i mean diner with us.uh i mean eat"

*jenn POV*

it's zayn oh my god he is more beautiful in real life he is calm and perfect,oh my god this is makes me frustrated i can't fangirling here,no,no,no i can't

conceal don't feel don't let them know!

 "eh..sorry if i bothering you guys" zayn say with turn his face down

what bother??,bothering you say??no!,just no. you're cause of my death that's why i look frustrated not because you bothering me.really? he think it's because he is bothering me?

"what?what no ,no,you're not,really you're not" 

ok  hate this situation yes i'm happy i can meet my idol but i cant fangirling without another fangirl this is super weird are this even a dream even i start feeling dizzy i think my head gonna pop soon oh my ...this is must be dream.....isn't it?

"eh..i think i'll leave you guys,haha..bye"

i turn around clench my teeth and fist,i start to walk away i know that i'm gonna felt so sorry to myself later...

"you want join us?,i mean diner with us.uh i mean eat"

someone grab my wrist,it's harry!! it's harry oh my he is grab my wrist oh my it's harry!!

well now they know

"hhgggghh....." my voice in high pitch

*scream internally*

i'm 100% sure they're scared of me now,...i'm such a fool!! my another hand roaming my hair in frustration i wish earth can swallow me right now  realizing how stupid am i..

i turn around to see zayn and harry

"i'm sorry about that,excuse me what did you say?"

"uh you want to take a dinner with us? it's not gonna be a fancy dinner but yeah..."

his hand wrapping his behind neck

is this even real he asking me for dinner?,oh god,.... what's going on here?? this is not this a dream?

"it's not supposed to be called as a dinner zayn!" 

harry grumbleing 

"whatever harry we eat and it's 9pm which it mean it's night"

"umh...i'd rather not,i don't want to bothering you guys plus that will be awkward ha.ha"

no i can't go with them,,what?? you reject hary styles oh no.i'm such a fool oh no no no.ok i'm a basic stupid noo.

'i didn't mean to deny you but-'

"yeah yeah i understand,want to go with me?,i mean after i eat with the lads.if you want to..i'm not gonna force you'

what???,ok just say yes,it's easy! just say it!


what?? that means tonight?? oh no this is gonna be bad how i tell my mom and dad??,go you late night with people i just met ?? even he is harry styles but.. 'mom dad you have to listen to me this guy i just met today want me to go with him at 10pm and he is  harry styles so you have to let me'

"ok see you soon" he smile walk with zayn to backstage and he is...

turn his face to me again 

"hey dm me at twitter,you say i followed you right?"


"the code is 2213"


"just to make sure it was you"

harry and zayn fade away i still stand right there my eye's locked to my phone ok what te hell did just happened?,this is not ok ths is strange this-


thena call me from distance

"come here!!"

her hand motioning me to come

i walk slowly my legs felt so weak finally i'm there at where thena call me at first time.

"what's wrong jenn?"

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