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Hi guys I'm back....Is there anyone who annoying at me?? If there anyone who annoying at me and my story...the solution is easy..DON'T READ ! You don't have to dm me and say that I only write a shit..and should be ashamed of myself.. I do what I want okay...So shut up and go away if u hate me and my story..I'm  very calm and patient person..But remember I have a feeling and I can get mad too..I'm not an angle..But I can be a devil😒

I'm sorry..Now lets get started shall we😊🙏

Ming's pov

I'm just done showering and stepped out of my bathroom wearing just a towel when suddenly I saw someone standing and looking around my room. I know this guy. Kit. Mario brother. But what he soing here?

"What are you doing!?" I ask and thats make him turn around and look at me. He smile as soon he saw me. His eyes is fixed on my body.

He smile and walked toward me. I clench my jaw and look at him . He touch my chest slowly with his finger and kiss my shoulder. Is this guy drunk or something. I never meet someone that dare to do anything like this especially to me.

"I don't know..my feet bring me here..I don't know its your room." Your feet bring you here?? you gotta be kidding me. He look in my eyes then walked around me somehow kinda seductive.

"Now that you know this is my room.. Get out will you..?" I said in a deep voice and look at him. He stop infront of me and smiled showing his deep dimple.

"Why...I like you...And I want you.." he said and placed his palm on my chest, I bet he want to push me onto the bed. But I'm  faster, I can know what you will do with just looking in your eyes.  I turn my body and make him the one who fall on the bed. I pinned his hand on the bed and look into his eyes.

"Listen here..I don't care even if you is Mario brother. And I don't fucking care if you like me or fucking want me..But all I know is I don't want you..and I don't like you..So get your ass up and leave mt room now." I get up and look at him still smiling and get up slowly. I clench my jaw as I look at him standing infront of me.

"Don't be too mean to me..Who know someday you will fall in love with me Mingkwan." He kissed my cheeks then walked away.

"What a spoil brat." I said then grab my shirt and my short from the closet. After I dry my hair I grab my phone and walked out.


"Hey Tae? What are you doing drinking alone.?" I pat Tae shoulder lightly and sit beside him at the bar . The bar is only at the basement of that big mansion. So we always there to drink.

"Nothing.." He said and sip the drink and look at me.

"Tae..I know you still miss him right?" I grab the bottle infront of me and pour the alcohol drink in the glass .

"I don't know Ming. He already leave me. I shouldn't tell him who I'm . I should just keel evwrything as a  secret. He leave me after he know who I am. It just hurt Ming." He poured the rest of the drink in his mouth and try hard to swallow it.

"Maybe he just need time .." I said and patted his shoulder trying to calm him down.

"No..he just text me and said that he cancel our engagement..And ask me to go and take back the ring that I give him. But I ask him to keep it or throw it if he want. I'm scared that if I meet him..I can't let him go." Tae never cry infront of anybody. Even when his sister and his parent die when he was 16 he can still fight . But today he is crying , ita because after his family leave him only Tee always make him smile.

But today he cry and let everything out. I'm scared that I won't be able to see him smile again. What is so hard to accept . Tae love him after a few years together he leave him just because Tae told him what exactly he do for live. I pulled Tae and let him cry on my shoulder.

"Its okay brother..everything will be fine.." I rub his back slowly.


After I make sure Tae sleep in his room ,I walked to my room with a blurred vision. Well I had to drink to right. My friend is sad so I cheer him up. And end up like this.

"Hey Ming.." I lifted my head. Erghh..this guy again. What the hell that he want from me. I try to ignore him and walked past him.

But he suddenly pushed me to the wall. I really don't want to fight him. So I just look at him. I can see him smiling.

"You know what Ming..You look so sexy right now." He whisper to my ear. I can feels his breath. He soft lips land on my neck. And lick it. Fuck! I pushed him and pin him at the wall.

"Stay away from me Kit..or you will regret it.!" I said then walked away .

What a weird and stupid kid. He and Mario is so different. He just a spoil brat who always get what he want.. And I hate a person like that.

I throw myself on my bed and close my eyes slowly. But suddenly have to open it back when I heard someone open the door and locked it. Who the fuck is that. I turn my body and squint my eyes.

Damn it!

"What do you wan-..." Before I can finish Kit spray something infront of my face. And a few second later everything turn black.

The last thing I remeber I saw Kit take off his shirt while smirking.

The last thing I remeber I saw Kit take off his shirt while smirking

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*I love sexy Mingkwan.😂

Don't forget to vote and comment okay guyss..🙏

I Love You Guyss😍😊

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