Battle of the Dead

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Ratchet and Optimus were shocked when warriors who bravely fought to the death were rose from their resting places. More and more undead Cybertronians were rising, left and right. The mechs were half alive and limping while pulling weapons out of their mangled corpses.

"Megatron has desecrated the resting place of our fallen ancestors and his own." Ratchet pointed out.

"Not even the dead are free from his war-mongering." Optimus turned in a defensive stance.

"At last, symbiosis. I can feel it. I possess complete control over my army. Destroy them!" Megatron orders his army of desecrated warriors. He makes an over-exaggerated gesture as he motions for emphasis.

The army is moaning as it is inching closer to the Autobot duo. All of a sudden, Optimus is shooting and killing, again, the dead warriors. This proves only slightly useful, as they are already dead.

"Optimus, if our combatants are already deceased, how can we possibly defeat them?" The Prime does not reply to his question, he only states one thing.

"Ratchet, retreat! Bridge yourself back to base."

"No, I shall stand with you, Optimus." Ratchet assures his old friend. "You may require a medic when this is over with."

They then charged into battle, and were immediately surrounded by undead warriors. After seeing an undead's arm fall offline, Ratchet suggested a tactic.

"I recommend dissection. The smaller the pieces, the better." He said while slicing into the foes with his servos that were now blades.

"Sound advice, old friend." Optimus agreed with the field medic. Optimus then transformed his servos from blasters to blades and began dissecting.

They battled their way through waves of enemies and were successful in the majority. Midway through the warlord tyrant spoke.

"I have mastered dark energon. When you fall, Optimus, you, too, shall join my army." Megatron said cooly and confidently.

Optimus now had a new determination to his fight. He was slashing and slashing at twice his original speed. There wasn't a single warrior who could catch him off guard.


There were shots raining from above, in the Decepticon's war ship. Jack, Raf and I are jumping like we are on pogo sticks and barely avoiding severe burns to our bodies.

Raf falls over, and Jack and I both jump in front of him to cover him. All of the sudden Bulkhead pulls in front of us after doing a zero-to-one-hundred in 2 seconds flat.

"Get in! NOW!" We hurry and scramble in after the door is ajar. Then we are spilled around as Bulkhead speeds away to avoid ya being just burn stains on the dirt. Swerving and swerving Jack and I voice our thanks to the wrecker.

"Thanks, Bulkhead." -Jack

"Yeah, thanks." -Me

He doesn't care that we thanked him, he just is concerned for our safety.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" He asked in concern.

"We were worried about Miko." Jack stated.

"Have you seen her?" I asked concerned for my friend.

"What's she look like?" Miko pops up like a Jack-in-the-box.

We finally make it behind a huge boulder. And we were barely catching our breaths when Bulk spoke up.

"Everyone out. And this time, please wait here!" He pleaded with us. Especially to MiMi. He then sped off towards the Decepticons. He's speeding like he's in a NASCAR race towards the eerie war ship.

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