Cyberdark impact

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I in know way own yugioh gx or profit from this story.

"I can't believe I over slept" said a  brown haired teen boy as he ran down the street only to trip and drop his cards every where.
"Oh man " said the boy picking up his cards.
"Are you a duelist by chance " ask a voice be hind him.
"Yeah I am and I'm late for my exam for duel Academy" as he finished collecting his cards.
"Duel Academy huh then why don't you take this with you" said the man as he held out a card.
"Winged kuriboh thanks man" said the teen as he looked at the man for the first time.
"Hey aren't you " started the teen.
"I thought you were late" said the man as he walked off.
"Oh yeah got to go".
"Made it just in time" said the boy as he watch a duel between a teacher and a hopeful student.
"Man he's good" as the hopefull defeated the teacher.
"Yeah that's bastian misawa the top rank new student this year he ace all his pre-tests and I barely passed " said a short blue haired boy next to him.
"Me to name jaden yuki by the way" said the brown haired boy.
"I'm Syrus Truesdale so how did your entrance duel go" asked Syrus.
"Haven't taken it yet mine yet" said jaden.
"But Bastians was the last one scheduled" said syrus.
"What that can't be right " panicked jaden "Jaden yuki report to field 3" came over the PA.
"See they just made a mistake " said jaden as he ran to the field.
As he arrived at the field he see a teach who he thinks is a man or may be a woman.
"Hey teach so you my opponent" says jaden putting on his duel disk.
"Stupid slacker"
"I am Dr. Villiean Crowler vice-presidential of Duel Academy and I will be testing you to see if you are good enough" says crowler putting on his duel coat.
As the duel start jaden goes first.
"I'll start" says jaden drawing a card "okay I got a good hand"
"I play graceful charity so I draw 3 cards and discard 2"
" sweet just need 1 more card"
"Now I summon hunter dragon"
Dark dragon atk1700 def100
"and two face downs your turn teach" sas jaden ending his turn
"That it I'm disappointed" says crowler drawing his card.
"I play confiscation so I pay 1000lp to look at your hand and send one to the graveyard" says crowler as jaden hand is shown to him.
"I've never seen these cyberdark cards before are they even real" said crowler.
"Yeah they're real but one of a kind I won them in a tournament when I was a kid" says jaden.
In the stands a female student name alexis talks to an older boy.
"Wow one of a kind thats amazing right zane" says alexis.
"Just because they are rare doesn't mean they are powerful or that he is any good with them" says zane.
Back at the duel crowler sends jaden monster reborn to the grave.
"No matter they seem weak" says crowler.
"I sent to face downs and play heavy storm" says crowler destroying all spells and traps.
"You forget about your card there teach?" asks jaden.
"No you fool when my wicked statutes are destroyed they summon tokens" as he said this two gold snakes appear.
"Now I tribute my tokens to summon my ancient gear golem" says crowler.
Ancient gear golem
Earth machine atk3000 def3000
This shock the crowed.
"He's using his personal deck that bully" says alexis.
"Your to soft alexis" says zane.
"Now my golem attack" the golem destroyed jadens dragon.
Crowler 3000lp
Jaden 2700lp
"It's you turn slacker so play you weak cards" said crowler.
As jaden drawds his next card
"Sorry teach I have no weak cards I play cyber dark impact by returning cyberdark horn, edge, and keel to my deck I can summon the powerful cyber dark dragon" as jaden says this a large black mechanical dragon appears.
Cyberdark dragon
Dark machine atk1000 def1000
"Haha powerful it so weak" laughed a black haired boy in the crowd.
"Chazz is correct why summon such a weak monster  you cleary have no idea what your doing" said a smug crowler.
"Oh I forgot to tell you his effect I can equip one dragon type monster from my grave and it gains that monsters attack so i pick my tri-horned dragon"
Tri-horned dragon
Dark dragon atk2850 def2350
"Giving my dragon 3850 atk and another 100 atk for eack monster in my grave so that 4050 atk" says jaden.
"What it's stronger then my golem" panicked crowler.
"I'm not done I play megamorph because my lp is lower than your it doubles his atk to 8100 now cyberdark dragon destroy that golem and end this" ordered jaden his beast used dark energy to destroy the golem.
Crowler 3000lp 》0lp
"And thats game" said jaden as every body was shocked
"No way he beat crowler"
"Did you see that dragon"

As every body reacted zane look strangely happy.
"Looks like I may have a challenge "thought zane looking at his cyber dragon card.
"Just who are you Jaden Yuki" said Alexis Rhodes.

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