You've been in a coma for four years so when you were your 18 years old....and you find out your mom committed suicide because she thought you would never wake you all by yourself....when you go home and ask Keri where Daniel was and...
(Alex's POV) I woke up with a bright light shining my face and I looked around and it looked like I was in a hospital.....I don't even remember what happened...until the doctor came in"Your Awake!"doctor said"I'm sorry but awake from what?"I asked"you've been in a coma for...four turned 18 two days ago..."doctor said"oh.."I said"and my mom?"I asked" am I supposed to say this...your mom..committed suicide...while you were in a coma...she thought you'd never wake up so..."doctor said"so...what am I supposed to do...?"I said"you old enough to be in your least that's what the police say.."doctor said"okay...uh....thanks.."I said "you may go whenever you want....there's an extra clothes in the drawer..."doctor said and left...I can't believe my mom's dead....😔 so I got out of bed and there was a mirror on the table so I grabbed it and I looked like this?
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'Wow'i thought and I got dressed and I went out and an uber was waiting for me.... I got in and we drove back to my house
(15 minutes later)
We got to the house and I went in and everything was still the same and I went up my room and it was the same
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Everything was the same now I went outside and decided to go to Daniels house and I knocked on the door and opened up Keri"hi cam I help you..?"Keri said"it's me...Alex?..."I said and she went wide eyed"Oh my god you're awake!"Keri said and pulled me into a hug"Daniel would love to see you...if he was here..."Keri said I did a confused face"oh lemme tell you all about it" and Keri let me in and told me all about his band and there success!im so proud of Him!"oh he's coming tomorrow!come at 7:30 for dinner tomorrow night!"Keri said"sure.."I said"this is so gonna be fun for you and Daniel!"Keri said I nodded