Best Friends

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Setting: Kasey goes to Drew's house to talk about something important

Kasey: Thank you for letting me come over to talk with you

Drew: No problem, but why did you ask to come over.

Kasey: I wanted to talk about what you did for me in middle school.

Drew: Ok.

Kasey: I wanted to thank you for being there for me, especially with all the bullying and me just wanting to kill myself. I know we have been best friends since we were babies, but....

Drew: You can stop right there, missy, because I know where you're going with that sentence. I didn't just do all I did for you because we been best friends since we were babies and you know that, I did it because I know you would do the same thing for me, and I wanted to see your eyes light up with life again and I want to see the smile that lights up the room when you walk in. I want to see you happy. I also made promises when we were little that I would do anything to see happy and to protect you, don't you remember that.

Kasey: Yes, I do, and like you said, I would do the same for you too. Great, now I'm crying.

Drew: Why?

Kasey: Because of what you said and that you kept your promises.

Drew: I will always keep any promises we make till our last breath.

Kasey: Thank you, I will also keep any promises we make till our last breath.

Drew: Now that we got all that out, how about we watch some movies. I still have your favorite movie of all time

Kasey: You still have Beauty and the Beast really

Drew: I would never give that away it is the movie that you said that I would be your Beast and you would be my Beauty.

Kasey: Yes, it is, but instead of Belle saving the Beast. You, who is the Beast, saved me who is Belle from myself.

Drew: That I did. So are we going to watch you save me in the movie

Kasey: Oh, so funny, but yes, we are.

Drew: I knew you still love my dry humor.

Kasey: Yes, I do now be quiet it's starting.

Drew: As you wish, my Belle.

Kasey: Thank you, my Beast.

Drew and Kasey watch Beauty and the Beast and sing the songs.

Drew: Well, that's the end. Now let's watch Toy Story, and then we can watch the Christmas Beauty and the Beast.

Kasey: Ok, I still would love to have Belle's library and her dress. You know Toy Story 2 is so much better.

Drew: Now I know you did not just say that Toy Story 2 was better because you are wrong.

Kasey starts laughing because Drew takes the bait of what she says.

Drew: Why are you laughing.... Wait, you were just missing, weren't you.

Kasey: Yes, I was. Now let's put Toy Story in and watch.

Drew: Oh, you think you're so funny, and it's already in thank you very much.

Drew and Kasey watched Toy Story, the Christmas Beauty and the Beast, and any movie that they liked. They were watching Peter Pan when have way through the movie they fell asleep with her back to his chest with his arm around her waist, just like when they were little.

This is about Me and My Best Friend DrewWhere stories live. Discover now