You had me at Pizza: Continued

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                       Rebecca's Pov

          I get out 4 bottles of wine and 3 packs of beer; I grab a big bowl filling it with 10 boxes of Cheez-its; I get out a pack of Mointain Dew; and blow and tie up some balloons! I love having parties because it makes me feel like i have people who care about me or something ( I know it is weird but it is how i feel). I think only 10 people should be coming to this tiny party; i don't think it should even be called a party because there are barely any people but whatever. I go upstairs to get dressed up.

                      Natasia's Pov

    I stop at the alcohol store and Annie is there! We both get beers and vodka; and it wouldn't be a party without Bourbon and Whiskey. Before leaving we also buy a keg; I pull out my fake license and he checks it and notices it's a fake (Seriously??) I hop over the counter and signal Annie to get the liquor. She grabs all she can carry while i try my best to flirt with the guy at the front desk. The guy smells like old cheese and his breath is even worse; he looks like he is in his 50 and his hair is all gray. I watch Annie at the corner of my eye and she is having trouble getting the keg by herself. I keep the guy's attention on me by flipping his tie around and running my fingers in his almost bald head.

                       Gabby's Pov

        Nick and i are on our way to the party and we had a perfect date. We ate at a very fancy restaurant that i would never be able to afford. We held hands at the table and i kept on seeing Rebecca holding his hand in my head. I read my text from Annie. Rebecca shouldn't mind if we don't bring any liquor..right? I make Nick stop and grab some liquor; i told him to just get some Gin. Nick takes longer than usual. I get out of the car and he is helping Annie pull a keg out of the store. I rub my eyes to make sure that my eyes were correct. I open the trunk to his car and they set it in the trunk. I also see Natasia sitting with her legs around a old guy on a counter. I think about helping her but then i talk myself out of it. I wait a couple seconds and i start to walk in. I grab Natasia's hand and tell her that her boyfriend is coming to kill all the guys she has been flirting with. She jumps off the counter and we walk out; then Nick walks in and buys the Gin. I wait in the car and the girls leave; Nick comes out and hops in the car. He says

"So, Natasia's boyfriend is killing people again"

I giggle nodding my head.

                         Annie's Pov

       I can't believe we practically just robbed a alcohol store. My adrenaline in my body is off the rocker. ( I can't believe we did that!!!) We get in Rebecca's house screaming what happened and everything. I look around while talking and i can see a couple people already there. We finish the story and Rebecca's mouth is dropped to the floor. She high fives us and we grab a handful of Cheez-its. When Gabby an Nick get there; Rebecca and i go out to get the keg, putting it in the living room. We also slide a table beside it putting red solo cup's beside the keg. I give Rebecca a hug while she is watching Nick and Gabby laugh together.

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