Lust X Fell Sans

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"If its not love, then it must be unfathomable lust"

"Boss, swear that I haven't seen your stupid cape." Fell sans argues. "Check your room, you probably left it up there." Fell sans slouched into the couch as his brother angrily searches for his battle cape. Fell Papyrus slams his door in anger, as his cape was not in his room. "YOU MADE A FOOL OF ME SANS! MY CAPE WAS NOT IN MY ROOM, WHERE DID YOU PUT IT!" Fell paps complains. "First off, I would never take or hide your dumb cape! And second you probably just left it at Undyne's place like a morron!" Sans angrily suggests. Once again, Fell Papyrus begins to start yelling and the argument goes on for hours, until Papyrus finally leaves for his training. He had left Sans with a bloody neck and a ton of scratches on his arms. At this point Sans had had enough and decided to take a walk. Surely a trip to Grillbys is what he needed.

Just then, Sans was hit over the head with something, it was blunt and hard. A baseball bat? No, That was definitely a police Baton. He then heard a voice, it was sweet but harsh, and somehow alluring. "Sleep my pet, you are now under arrest after all~." The voice cooed. Before he was knocked out completely Sans had managed to catch a glimpse of his captivater; it was none other than lust Sans, wearing a cop costume.

~time skip~

Fell sans awoke to find himself in and empty room, he was tied to a wooden chair with handcuffs and rope holding him in place. The room was dimly lit and all that could be seen was the stone floor, a set of stairs and the door that lead to the exit. Sans carefully observed the situation he was in and determined that it was best to wait for an opportunity to escape. Just then the door began to open. "Good, you are awake my pet,~" the voice said soothingly. "Come now I won't hurt you, your brother already beat me to that. I just want to play with you, that's all.~" Without warning Fell's soul was summoned from its cage and landed straight in the palm of Lust Sans's hand, as it landed Lust's eye glowed a intense purple hue. "We are going to have so much fun you and I." Lust cooed.

He began to poke lightly at Fell's soul, this caused him to inadvertently let out a few grunts and writhe in his seat. "You are a little freak Lust! What could you possibly want from me?" Fell shouted. A disconcerned expression fell across Lust's face. "Isn't it obvious? I want you Fell. All. Of. You.~" He began to lick Fell's soul and watched in amusement as Fell let out a few moans and began to sweat. "Just look at how helpless you are, its adorable. I was told you would be a challenge but it looks like you ain't nothin but a bag o' bones." Lust scoffs. He began to wonder how far he could go before his new "pet" couldn't take it anymore.

After about 2 minutes of constant 'attention' to his soul it began to wane, exploding in ecto-goo; in doing so fell expiranced pure pleasure. A red glow formed in his pants, an exciting sight for Lust to see. Pleased with his work, Lust makes his way to Fell, hunger in his eyes. He places Fell's wet red soul back into his ribcage. As if something had been triggered, Fell moved violently and thoughtfully, escaping the chair he was bound to. "I'm gonna make you regret bringing me here pretty boy!" Fell yells as he throws his fist at Lust's face. As if in slow motion, Lust dodges the punch and pulls down Fell's pants revealing a bright red ectodick. In an instant Lust has the whole of his member in his mouth. He has won this battle.

Fell dares not move, confused as to what just happened. It was strange but he could not deny that he liked this new feeling, so much so that he pressed Lusts head down on his member, deepening it into Lust's warm mouth. Fell moans in pleasure, a smile on Lusts face. Now it was his turn, after all Fell needs to return the favor. Lust pulls away from Fell's member and pushes him to the floor. Fell is now in a daze, not caring what Lust plans to do next. He removes his pants and reveals a ectvagina, a small shock to Fell but he could care less. Lust lowers himself onto Fell, allowing him to adjust to his length. After a little while he began to bounce up and down letting out little moans now and again as he did so. This went on for several minutes, their moans and sounds of pleasure grew louder and more intense. "a-ah! F-fell, ah Hm ha...I'm gonna...!~" Lust moans. Irritated by Lust's power over him, Fell cuts him off. "Sh-shut up you little...Ah oh mh, Slut! I'm gonna cum in you." Fell yells. Only a crooked smile is Lust's response. Their pace quickens and soon enough they become sloppy; the room smelling of sex and sweat. Lust now thoroughly satisfied lifts himself from Fell, cum dripping from his ecto vagina as he does so. He smiles sweetly, and gives Fell an air kiss goodbye before wacking him over the head once again with the police baton.

When Fell finally comes to, he is on the couch in his house, right where his day had started. "Was it all a dream?" he asked himself. Shrugging off the idea he makes to go get some mustard from the fridge, only to find his brother's cape wrapped around a bottle of honey with a note attached.

The note read: You left this at my place and I though you might want it back. P.S. do bring me back my honey, I have a surprise for you.~

Signed- S.P

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