Missed My Stop

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Author: RubixCube89201

Rebecca Finch hates telling stories. And in her family, they treasure story telling like second nature. But this year she is forced to go to the family reunion to tell a story that might make a little kid cry. When she takes a bus to Chicago, but accidentally falls asleep, she finds out that she...

Missed her stop.

Kicked out by the bus driver, she has nothing but the clothes on her back, a dead phone and twenty bucks. But that's when Jay, the optimistic hitchhiker that carries a bottomless backpack, stumbles into her path to join her on the adventure.

Against her will, of course.

With only two weeks until the reunion, the two travel across the country. Armed with only a frying pan, they join the circus, befriend a mob boss, get harassed by a perverted zebra, run away from the Men in Black, and steal a motorcycle only to get caught by the police for a whole different crime. After all the endless bickering, random trivia facts, and off-key singing, how will the two survive each other?

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