Adopted by Larry Stylinson

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Chapter 1 The Adoption

Taryn's POV

Hello! My name is Taryn Rose Jaskulke and I am 9 months old. My orphange mommy said that I was put in the orphange at age 5 months. Which was a 4 months ago. But today is adoption day and she said that their was two families coming in to adopt. I was really scared to be honest! My role models are Louis and Harry from One Direction.

Louis's POV

I really wanted to adopt a kid since neither Harry or I cant get pregnant. So while harry was out to get us some more food, I went to look on the computer for adoptions that were going on soon. Then Harry comes in through the door with a smile on his face. "Hi babe I'm home! Where are you?" My boyfriend of 2 years said as he came into our bedroom. "Hey Boo? Why are you looking at adoption centers for?" Harry asked because he was wondering why I was looking at an adoption website. "I really want to adopt a kid! A girl!" I told Harry as I look at him. Harry has a smile on his face "Let's go then!" I look at him in shock, "You mean it?" I asked Harry.

Taryn's POV

So I'm downstairs playing with my toys when I get tapped on my shoulder. I looked and it was Louis and Harry from One Direction! I was shy and I was told to act like yourself. I just babbled. Then all I saw was him and Louis sitting by me. I was really scared to talk because if I say the wrong thing I could mess this up

Harry's POV

She is the cutest kid ever! "How would you like to be adopted by us?" She looked at us like we were kidding. So she just babbled. "Awe you are the cutest thing ever I could tell that she will be very happy in her new life with Louis and myself as her daddys. Then she looked at us with worry on her face. "what's wrong love?" She starts to cry in Louis's comfort, The person said because I couldn't talked yet. I looked at Louis and then he looked back at me. "we will love you no matter what the situation is." Taryn looks at us with a confused face. "Why are you confused love?" She shrugged her shoulders

Louis's POV

I cant believe that I'm going to be a father with the love of my life Harry! I remember the first day we met on x-factor.


This was at bootcamp of x-factor and Harry was walking out of the bathroom and he bumps into this guy. "hi I'm really sorry for bumping into you love." Harry told the mystery guy. "Its cool accidents happen. My name is Louis William Tomlinson! What's yours?" Harry grabbed his hand and stood up "My name is Harold Edward Styles but you can call me Harry." Louis looked at him with love in his eyes.

Harry's POV

I look at Louis and see he's going into flashback mode so I pick up taryn and go over to Louis. "baby are you okay?" I asked him. He looked at me with a smile that I first met him with was that smile he had on. Taryn pointed at Louis and me. Then the foster mom came in. "Is this your daughter then?" Louis looked at me and I looked back him and with a smile then we said "yes this is our daughter Taryn Rose Stylinson" Even though Louis and I aren't married yet but next week one direction is going to Disney World and perform at cinderella's castle. I am then going to propose to Louis

Taryn's POV

I can't believe that I'm being adopted by Harry and Louis Stylinson even though that's not their last name its my last name and I am fine with it! I'm so happy right now but they don't know that I can crawl really fast. But I need to find out more about my new family, so after I pack and say goodbye to my foster mom. We leave and I see a limo so I turn my head to my daddy harry I point at the big car. "Yeah that's called a limo" daddy Louis said. I'm starting to lean more of being like Daddy Louis then Papa Harry. I hold my arms up for Daddy Louis to pick me up into his arms. Then I fall asleep in his arms. I must've been that tired. Then I hear where my two daddies are playing at today.

Adopted by Larry StylinsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora