Good luck Part 2

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                   Na'diyah P.O.V

Mia: I am back baby

Na'diyah: Oh my God

Mia: Where is my boo

Na'diyah: See and Prince had a big argument

Mia: So neither of them are here

Na'diyah: No

Mia: Go and play with the twins Danielle

Na'diyah: Where is Diggy

Mia: Diggy come in

                   Erykah P.O.V

                 The next Night

I took a shower and put on my sports bra and gym shorts and went to my room and cried myself to sleep tomorrow is our 4 year anniversary

                    Prince P.O.V

I went to my mom's house

Pm: She misses you

Prince: I know

Pm: She cries herself to sleep every night

Prince: Really?

Pm: Yes and the kids said they didn't want you guys to get a divorce

Prince: I would not divorce their mom in a thousand years

Pm: Go upstairs

Prince: I am

When I reached her room and took a deep breath and went in I put a necklace that had a heart with our picture of us when we first went out and went in my room to go to sleep

                  Erykah P.O.V

I woke up and went to Prince's old room then I saw someone move around on the bed than he got up out of the bed

Erykah: Jacob *running to him and jumping on him*

Jacob: I want you to know I would never have a divorce

Erykah: I know *sniffling*

Prince: Are you crying

Erykah: No *lying*

Prince: Baby girl please stop

Erykah: I can't

Prince: Why

Erykah: You didn't come to get me right away

Prince: I was thinking

Erykah: If you are my Prince you have to come right away

Prince: I know

Erykah: Well obviously

I got off of him and went into my room and opened up my old jewelry box and saw a locker with a picture of Prince and I when we were teens I walked back into Prince's room he was crying I lift his chin up

Erykah: Hey *I kissed him*

Pm: Awe

Erykah: *laughing*

Prince: We will be back

            Erykah and Prince House

                     Na'diyah P.O.V

Everyone was sleep e/x Ray and I we heard a knock on the door everyone woke up

Na'diyah: I got it

I opened the door

Na'diyah: Oh my God 

Erykah: Hey guys *Walking in* OH MY GOD MIA

Mia: In the flesh here to stay

Prince: Let's all go to home base (code for Pm's mom's house)

                  Mom's House

For some reason we were watching the news and it was shooting around the corner and we heard gun shoots so we took all of the kids and went to the basement

To be continued....... :-)

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