Ch.1 Into the woods

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Niki,Oliver,Max, and Rosa ran into the woods stumbling a little because of the huge rocks buried under the dirt, Rosa somehow catched up to Niki "huff...N-Niki w-won't you're...huff...m-mom be were gone?" She asked in shakey breaths "Hmm...I don't think so" Niki responded slowing down for Rosa "C-Can w-we...huff...take a...huff break?" Rosa asked "Sure!" Niki replied stopping, Oliver stopped and looked at max who hit his head on a brach "You ok dude?" Oliver looked at Max helping him up "yeah I'm fine" He said rubbing his head "Ok everyone let's take nap or start a camp fire o-or—" Niki was cut off by Oliver "....Let's just sit down and eat ok?" He said with a worried look "Good Idea!" Max said happily sitting down against a tree "Hey do think Wysteria's ghost will come and get us?" Silence every one was asleep already. Max just shrugged it of and closed his falling aslseep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2017 ⏰

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