chp 3: What does Chaos want?

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So I am on my way back home from a weekend trip and well I remembered that it had been a while since I posted so here it is.


I wondered what Chaos was about to do to me but a reassuring smile from Annabeth was enough to make me go. I waved back as the portal closed and then turned. Chaos motioned for me to follow him and he took me to an evillish looking river that made Styx look like a baby bath.

"Interesting thoughts child, would have been a pity if you were the one to destroy your solar system."

I looked at him shocked that he heard my thoughts. Then I thought that this was the almighty Chaos, he could do anything.

"Would you like to become the second most powerful being in this universe my child?"

"What?" me, second most powerful! it took some time to sink in and he said, "Jump into this river and you shall become worthy of it. Defeating titans would be like killing a fly."

I stared at him in awe. "And you shall have many more powers so get in." he said. I shrugged and jumped in.

The first thing I felt - ouch! The river did something to my body, I could feel it. It felt like my skin and flesh was being torn off. Then the pain stopped. I began feeling renewed, refreshed, powerful and basically awesome.

Then I felt like everything was back to normal and chaos told me to come out in my head. I willed the fluid to do so and I was deposited on the banks.

Chaos smiled, muttering something about good he survived.

"Wait so I may not have survived!"

"You would survive but you wouldn't get the powers, you would be back to your old self and zeus would have to find someone else."


"So how do you feel after a bath in the river Chaos?"


"Here, take your sword, I updated it to Chaos metal."

"Chaos metal?"

"It is found on my planet only-planet  Chaos and can make an immortal fade depending on how he/she is harmed. Your friend Frank used a spear which had traces of this on Echidna, that is why she is gone forever."


Why is everything named Chaos? I wondered.

"Cause I am the great creator of the universe and I wish it so." he smirked though I could see the sarcasm.

I smirked too at the small joke. I had gotten used to him reading my mind.

He opened a portal and before I left he said, "It has been a pleasure meeting you percy, I like you, a perfect champion of olympus who would not misuse his power. You are caring as well as powerful, this position would suit you well."

I nodded and said, "The pleasure is mine, hope to see you again Lord Chaos."

He frowned and said, "Just Chaos for you, if you call me lord I will personally kill you."

I laughed as we stepped out of the portal and into the throne room.


A portal opened after about half an hour of Percy's disappearance. "-I will personally kill you." Chaos said. My eyes widened at that. Why would the creator of the universe want to personally kill my boyfriend?

Percy laughed at that and got me all confused, Chaos told him that he was about to kill him. Only a seaweed brain can laugh at that. I smirked at the thought.

Percy bowed at the Gods and we (feels awesome seeing my boyfriend bow to me) all said, "Rise."

Zeus spoke to Chaos, "I believe you have done the needful?"

Chaos said, "Yes, Percy has the curse of river Chaos."

I was stunned. "R-river Chaos?"

"Yeah, it is this wicked looking river on planet Chaos. I feel stronger after a dip in it, similar to Styx just less painful. He also upgraded Riptide so it can make immortals fade." Percy explained.

I gasped. Percy could skewer us now and it would be tough to defeat him.

Chaos explained that Percy's body is similar to a titan's now and the only difference is that his 'Achilles heel' has returned.

Zeus then began the ritual. I zoned out cause it was boring and stared at Percy. Percy and Chaos looked like long lost friends. I could see the excitement in Percy's eyes as Zeus concluded the chanting.

Zeus then said, "Ok then, time to give him powers."

"I give you power over clouds and winds, you can create full fledged storms by combining your water and wind powers." Zeus said and also a short line in Greek to make it official. Percy bowed.

"Percy, son, you already have my powers so I have nothing to give you, except my love and trust." Percy bowed again and hugged his father when he stood up from the throne.

"Nephew, I give you the power to shadow travel and this whistle. It will allow you to call your pet hellhound and can be used any number of times." Hades said. Percy bowed again and took the whistle from Hades.

"I give you the power to make any type of fruit, vegetable or cereal appear in front of you. All you have to do is think of a food item and if it is entirely from plants, it will be in front of you, cut and cooked." Demeter said. Persephone added flowers to his list. He bowed at them.

"I have nothing to give you Perseus except a blessing that you get a happy fight-free family and cute little kids in the future." Hera said.

"That is a very nice gift aunt Hera, I really appreciate it." Percy said and bowed.

"I give you resistance from and some amount of control over fire and that you shall be able to understand the working of any machine." Hephaestus of course. Percy bowed again. I was kind of bored of seeing him bow.

Percy walked over to Aphrodite and seemed a bit scared about this one. "Ah don't worry Perseus, I bless you that you and Annabeth should be together for eternity and love each other no matter what." Percy looked very grateful and was gonna bow again but Aphrodite warned him that if he bows she will make me fall in love with someone else. He laughed and moved on.

"I give you my daughter, young champion." my mom Athena said. I gasped and percy bowed after a quick smirk.

He turned to Artemis and she gave him excellence in shooting arrows. He thanked her a lot and bowed.

Apollo told him that he had Apollo's friendship and healing powers.

Hermes gave him the ultimate spy gear that would allow him to sneak anywhere. As expected from a god of thieves.

Ares gave him an awesome armour which had his weak spot covered a bit too much, so that nothing can penetrate it. Ares asked for something in return, a promise that Percy would not hurt him as he was so powerful now. Percy agreed but didn't swear on Styx.

Hestia told him that she didn't have much to give so she just blessed him a happy life.

Dionysus called him Percy which was already good enough but anyways told him that he could summon the best quality wine whenever he wants.

That was all for now and Percy was now the strongest immortal I knew, except Chaos. He could crush Olympus like an anthill which Chaos revealed just now and Zeus was angry and scared but Percy said that he would never harm his loved ones. The council ended and I gave Percy a congratulating kiss.

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