We Don't Even Know Why

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"Maya! It's time to wake up, peaches!"

You like New York City in the daytime,

I groaned, "It's too early for this..."

Riley continued to shake me.

"Fine! I'm up. I'm up." I sighed.

Riley smiled at me, "Mornings are beautiful, peaches!"

"I prefer nights, mostly because I can have my beauty sleep."

I like New York City in the nighttime.

"By the way," I started stretching my arms as Riley's eyes watched me. "Why do you always turn the AC off when we go to bed?"

She shrugged, "I get cold easily."

You like sleeping with the air off,

"Hm, I like when it's cold." Because then you pull me closer to you.

I don't, I need it on.

"Well, I can turn the AC on. You don't mind if I cuddle you when it's getting cold, right?" Riley asked with a hint of uncertainty.

I rolled my eyes, "When did I ever mind, Riles?"

"So... you don't mind..?"

"Whatever you want."

She beamed at me. Honestly, how could she even think that I would mind? She's so fragile, I thought as I watched her open the bedroom window, the light temporarily hurting my eyes.

You like the light coming through the windows,

I hissed at the bright light.

"Is there a problem, Maya the Vampire Queen?"

"Yes, and it's that damn light from that damn window."

"Well, maybe if you woke up early, the damn light from the damn window won't keep damning your beautiful blue eyes."

I smirked at the unintentional compliment, "I have a lot of homework to do." I replied, emphasizing on 'a lot'.

I sleep late, so I just keep 'em all closed.

"So do I, but you don't see me complaining now, do you?" She sassed.

"It's way too early for your sass, wait until I'm fully awake so I can sass you back." I yawned, getting up from the bed.

Riley began fixing the bed, "Take a shower with cold water, I heard somewhere that cold water can wake up your body. I've already showered, hurry up so we can go to school with a few minutes to spare."

"Okay." I sleepily walked over to the bathroom.

As soon as I hopped into the shower, I heard music coming from the radio.

A smile crawled to my lips, Riley's never been one to listen to music. She just turns the radio on for me, cause she knows I love music.

You ignore the music on the radio,

I was full-on singing and dancing to every song that comes on. I felt happy and alive. Only three things can do this; art, music, and of course Riley.

I don't, I sing-a-long.

After I finished showering, I immediately start to put on clothes.
I applied some light makeup and brushed my hair to make it a little presentable.

I walked into the kitchen and a delicious smell filled my nose, guiding me to the source of it. I snaked my arms around her from behind, indulging myself in her sweet aroma, which I craved more than the bacon and eggs she's currently cooking.

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