Cute And Sad Moment

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Gabby's POV

I walked down stairs and I woke up so late today it's already 1 in the afternoon Jack is probably putting Bella down for a nap. I haven't had much sleep since the incident even though it was a full 2 weeks ago Bella is now two months old and gets bigger all the time she is still really small though! I walked into the living room and Jack was laying on the couch with Bella on his chest as his hummed a tune I couldn't make out. I snapped and picture and posted it with the caption

@gabbyfaith someone is a very good daddy! @JackJackJohnson

I came in and sat on the floor.

"Hey did you have a nice sleep"?

"Yeah, why did you let me sleep"?

"Cause you haven't been sleeping, you deserve some sleep". I nodded and he got up carefully to go put Bella in her crib. He came back and sat on the couch and I laid with my head in his chest.

"I live you so much Gabby". He kissed my forehead.

"I love you too JJ". I smiled.

"What if Nash comes and wants to see her"?

"If he does, then he does we will worry about it when it happens". He stated a little angered and worried

"Ok, I guess i'm gonna go upstairs". I states choking on my words as I walked fast up to our room. I closed the door and just slid down the wall with tears in my eyes. Why did this happen to me, why can't Nash just go away and let me and Jack have a happy life. He did want her why would he want to see her. This is all his fault! Bella deserves me and Jack to be happy, I want to be happy for her! I can't be happy when Nash is showing up wanting to take my baby without me being there to supervise. I don't trust anyone with Bella when I can't be there to watch her. I was so deep into though I didn't even notice Jack had his arms wrapped around me.

"It's ok, don't cry". He whispered in my ear.

"No it will never be ok Jack, he's gonna come here and want to have a day with Bella and I can't do that, Nash doesn't know anything about Bella"!

"Well we will tell him when that day comes, and if she gets hurt in anyway he will never see her again and I will make sure of it"!


"Promise"! he said giving me a kiss as we got up and walked into Bella's room, she was sound asleep in her crib. We stood above her and watched as she laid there, to be honest when she sleeps she looks like Jack. Just the way her mouth is open just the slightest, and how she is on her back with her arms and legs out and her head to the side. She is the cutest thing and at that moment as I put my head on jacks shoulder and looked at Bella I was as happy as could be.


Hey guys sorry I don't update you all ask me to and it's honestly hard I was just gonna write this book for fun never thought it would grow this fast, so excuse me while I get comfortable with this! Soon enough I should be able to write chapters like it's nothing!

Magcon is just a name

Mariah Xx

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