Lisanne's pov
It's been a week since I've been released from the hospital and I've been staying at Bo's house since then. She tried to get my mind off things which was really sweet but to be honest it didn't really help. I keep getting flashbacks and nightmares. I barely got any sleep because of them. You could say I look like shit. I've got like major bags under my eyes. I've got to say make-up works a lot. Even though I don't really like it, I need to use it because otherwise I'll scare the shit out of all human beings.
"Lisanne? Lisanne? Lis?" I snapped out of my thought when I saw Bo's hand wave in front of my face.
"Oh sorry I guess I zoned out for a bit." I said.
"Yeah you did but it's okay. Are you up for shopping today?" She asked. Am I? Nah not really but I guess I'll just go just to get my mind of things. Which I already know isn't going to work but hey you can at least try right?
"Uh yeah sure. I need some new clothes anyway so that'll be alright." I answered. I never really liked shopping but I feel like I need some new clothes. Half oft clothes gave me a bad vibe because of all things that happened so, why not a fresh start with new ones? I mean I'm not that girly but sometimes having new clothes is just fun.
"I'm going to get dressed." I said to Bo.
"Okay don't take to long" she said.
"Hey that's not nice I'm faster then you are" I protested which is true cause I'm always ready earlier that she is. Well before all this happened actually now I zone out most of the time so you can guess I'm not that fast. But it's going better so no need to worry about that.
I walked to my room to get some clothes. I picked out a dark denim skinny jean, with a white t-shirt with in black the word 'selfie' on it and a black tank top underneath it. (Yes the shirts with selfie on it excise because I have one ;) ). And about my underwear I decided not to wear anything ;))), nah just kidding I'm not going to tell you what kind of underwear I'm wearing sorry. I grabbed my white allstars and put them on. After I was dressed I walked to the bathroom to do my make-up and hair. For make-up I decided just to do a bit of eyeliner and mascara. And I did my hair in a ponytail as usual.
I walked downstairs and I was greeted by Bo.
"Hi, you ready to go?" She asked me.
"Yupp, let's gooooooo" I said making the 'o' long cause I'm happy okay don't judge.
* they're now in the forever 21 *
"LIS YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!" I heard Bo say.
"What is it?" I asked her.
She walked over to me and came with I skirt my nose scrunched up in disgust. "Bo you know I don't like dresses, skirts and all the other girly stuff." I told her.
She sighed and said "I know I know but I just thought this would fit you really well so you need to try it on for me once! If it then still doesn't look good on you I'll put in back." Now it was my turn to sigh. "Alright I'll try it on for once." I said.
I heard her mumble something like victory but I ignored it and grabbed the skirt out of her hands to try it on.
I stepped out of the change room to show the skirt to Bo. "What do you think?" I asked her but she kept quiet. "I know right I'm not that big fun of it either so you can out it back." I said.
"No no no no no way in hell you're putting that skirt back. It suits you to well and you look perfect in it. Every guy would drool over you." Bo said.
"Bo you know it's not the time now to tell me about boys..." I sighed.
"I know I'm sorry I just wanted you to know." She said.
"It's alright"
So after a long day of shopping we were finally walking back to the car. I wasn't really paying much attention to what Bo was saying because it wasn't the most important topic.
I just kept walking but I was to much in thought.
Suddenly I felt someone bump into me and I fell to the ground.
I looked up to see who it was but as soon as I looked up I saw the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen and I couldn't help but stare in them.
"Oh god I'm so sorry damn I'm clumsy, you alright?" The boy asked. I studied his face for a bit and yeah you could say he was pretty damn good looking.
"It's okay I wasn't paying attention." I said.
"Hey aren't you the girl who worked at the music shop?" He asked and I stared at him with wide eyes.
"H-h-how d-do you k-know t-that." I stuttered.
"Do you remember the time those men with the hoodies?" He asked.
"Yes, yes I do actually." I said.
"Well that was me?." He said. What the why would a normal boy as him go into a shop with a hoodie on.
"Why the hoodies then?" I asked. I'm still confused.
"I'll explain it another time." Another time will he see me more often then? As he was reading my mind he said: "Can I have your number you seem pretty cool we should hang sometime."
"Uh yeah sure" I gave him my number and he said he'll text me later. "Wait what's your name actually" I asked him.
"My name is Louis, what's yours?"
"I'm Lisanne." I said
"Beautiful name for a beautiful person." He winked and I blushed.
"Well I guess I should get going. I'm tired of all the shopping I did and my friend over there is waiting." I said as I was pointing to Bo. We both said goodbye and walked away while he walked to the other side and I walked to Bo.
"Yes, yes I did" she said.
"I said that out loud didn't I" I asked.
"Yupp" we continued walking to the car.
When we were finally home I was too tired to even eat dinner so I went straight up to bed.
Louis' pov
She was so perfect. I have to know her she seems so sweet and all that kind of things I can name. And it's a plus she isn't a fan, well about that I'm not sure but if she is, she's good in hiding it.
okay I'm so bad.
I finally made time, I really didn't feel like writing for a long time. I just wanted to relax and have my holiday.
So I tried to make this a long chapter, hope you like it.
Love you all and again thanks for reading I really appreciate it. :)
Xxx Lisanne

love is complicated
FanfictionLisanne has an abusive boyfriend but what will happen when her best friends finds out what he's doing? And what will happen when Lisanne walks into a celebrity? Read and find out