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Please follow these rules or there will be consequences, and I don't really want to do that so please follow these rules!

1. Follow
Please follow this account so it can be easier to tag you. 

2. Library
Please add this story to your library, so you can get a notification whenever I update. 

3. Respect
Please respect me and your fellow contestants, if you don't I might have to give you a warning and if you're not nice to people they might not want to vote for you. 

4. Activeness
Activeness is a MUST if you're not active, then you might get eliminated. Please pm if you're on hiatus or busy with academics or something. If you notice someone who's not active please pm me. 

5. Patience
Please be PATIENT, it's only me who's writing the episodes, designing stuff, and etc. I have a life of my own out of wattpad, pretty sure everyone does. 

6. Forms
Please send me your forms NEATLY and ORGANISED, because I'm just the type of person who likes everything neat and organized and it will be easier for me to not get confused. 

6. Perfectly imperfect
Please don't make your character perfect, everyone has flaws. For your self-evaluation please have at least some flaws. 

7. Tag
Please tag as many people you can so we can start the show quicker! It's alright if you can't, but it will be appreciated :)

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