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School was starting soon, and all of us were going to college.

My best and maybe only friends, Calum and Luke were just staying in Australia for college.

On the other hand, I'm transferring to a seminary college all the way in the Philippines since my aunt lives there and my parents were religious freaks thay said I needed to 'see and rely on God more in my life' whatever that meant.

A positive thing about going to the Philippines is that I don't have to deal with my parents anymore. All they do is pressure me into being something I'm not. But when I try to complain, all they do is bring out this prepared speech on how I should learn to respect my parents and how it was mentioned by Jesus in the bible.

Every single thing I do had to be a sin. When I dyed my hair black, it was "disrespect to God's creation" or whatever since "we were all designed how God wanted us to be" and we shouldn't change it. Well I guess the person who invented hair dye is going to hell then.

They tried to let me go to a private school with snobby kids but it didn't work out so I transferred to a public school where I met Luke and Calum. They were the high school heartthrobs there and I guess I just tagged along.

Now I'm on a plane going to the Philippines. School doesn't start until June there so I have an extra few months to do absolutely nothing. I decide to rest my eyes for the rest of the flight.

A while later, I arrive at the lobby of the airport, scanning the many people around for my aunt.

Then I soon find her and she greets me with a hug. We then queue for a taxi and get to her house about half an hour away.

The ride was silent, since I was still tired from the flight and I had absolutely nothing to talk about with my aunt.

Soon, we arrive in her small house in a subdivision. She shows me to her extra room and gives me time to relax. The time zones weren't that bad, with Sydney being two hours ahead from here.

I plop on the bed and take my phone from the front pocket of my backpack, connected to my aunt's wi-fi and quickly sent text messages to my parents, Luke and Calum telling them I didn't die in a plane crash on Viber. I had to get a new phone with a different carrier soon though.

I unpacked all my belongings slowly while my aunt was out buying groceries or something.

Even with the extreme heat which happened to be all throughout the year, my parents bought me an entirely new set of clothes that were all basically dress shirts, plain colored T-shirts, extremely baggy jeans, and khakis. At least I have numerous pairs of basketball shorts.

Obviously they weren't fans of singlets, band shirts and ripped skinny jeans. I guess I'm saving up whatever I can get my hands on.

I finished unpacking, and checked my phone which actually received a few text messages.


Luke: Thank God, Australia feels much better now.

I took time to think of a comeback to the idiots and eventually found one for each of their stupid replies.

You look like everybody else here, Asian. Shut up.

Don't be a cunt. You miss me already xxxxxxx

Then I checked my message from my parents

Mum: Don't give Maria a headache and behave while you're there ok? We love you.

Sighing, I replied.

Ok, love you too.

Checking the clock on my phone, it read 4:00 pm, which meant it would be dinner time if I were still living with my parents. I heard my stomach call for food, so I decided to look for anything I can snack on in the kitchen while waiting.

I found a few cookies in the cabinet, so I munched on those, controlling myself from finishing my aunt's entire pantry.

Since the temperature at the moment was extremely warm for my jeans and my shirt was sticking to my back, I decided to take a quick shower and dress in a tank top I managed to sneak into my bag and a pair of basketball shorts.

After ruffling my black hair and adjusting the electric fan to an angle wherein I can actually benefit from the wind it produced, I sit on the couch and look for anything to watch. Luckily I found a channel with a decent movie, and watched that for a couple hours.

After a while, my aunt came in and I helped her with her groceries and placed them on the dining room table.

When we finished sorting everything, she let out a sigh of accomplishment and smiled at me.

"Thank you, Michael. I haven't got any help around here anymore since your uncle died."

I didn't know how to respond, but then I said,"While I'm here, I'll help as much as I can." I bent down to her height and hugged her.

I was never really close to my Aunt Maria, my mother's older sister. They didn't really look alike, since my mother inherited her looks from her father and her from her mother. She married a Filipino soldier and moved here but then eventually he died in a war somewhere south. She never actually moved back home. She just stayed here and kept teaching kids every month of May in the local church. When her husband died, we were all shocked about the news, but she coped well with it. Something about God's plan or something.

"I'm going to start cooking dinner now. If you can would you sweep the floor?" she asked.

"Sure, is there a broom here?"

She pointed to the soft broom leaning on the spot where the two walls meet.

I nodded and started sweeping the floor as she cooked dinner for both of us.


This is an extremely boring chapter. Sigh.

ANYWAYSSS the entire book will be Michael's POV

ANNNND I'm sorry if this sucks but I'm kinda playing with my imagination rn bc I don't think there's a fanfic like this (at least none that I've heard of)

Vote comment and share maybe? It helps me write faster ;------)

PS, YES, I deleted the last chapter because I didn't like it.


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