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Scenario: Movie date with Rapmonster

>Alright alright alright. So you'd want to go see a new movie that's playing, any movie really.

>You'd buy popcorn or candy and you'd find your way into the movie theatre.

>When you entered it was practically empty

>Maybe a couple of people

>Anyways the other members decide to follow you.

> Jin wanted to tell them not to but he gave into their cute little faces

> Anywho, you'd sit somewhere in the middle

> And the other members would sit directly behind you.

> You thought it was suspicious how people thought it was a good idea to sit right behind you when the whole novie theatre was practically empty.

> The movie starts and you get comfy next to Namjoon.

>Maybe an arm would be put around you.

>A little peck on your temple.

>Anyways enough with the sappy stuff.

>In the beginning of the movie something funny happens

> And Jin starts to laugh

>Really loudly

<"Shhh! Hyung be quiet!"

> He'd sink into the seat stuffing his face with popcorn in an attempt to be quiet.

> You didn't make much of it.

> Although I'm confused why you didn't but okay.

> So the movie continues on

> And Taehyung and Jungkook are sharing a bag of candy

> And there's only one left.

> A full on fight breaks out

> A petty one.

> Like a sissy fight with your hands.

> Anyways

> They were loud

< "It's mine!"

< "Nuh uh!"

> By this point they're getting on your nerves.

> And you already know who it is.

> You turn around and toss your bag of candies at them

> And accidentally hitting Taehyung in the face.

> Which causes the others to stifle their laughter.

< "Take the bag and be quite"

> After the movie's over you end up scolding the boys for fighting

> And the others for following in the process.

> But in the end you get a nice apology dinner from them.

> Well nice from the ones that can cook....

> But Jungkook and Taehyung however...

> But Jungkook and Taehyung however

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> Yeah we won't talk about that....

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