You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go. (Larry Stylinson)

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Just for a heads up, I'm using Bob Dylan's song, "You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go" as the theme for this short fic. I absolutely love the song. Now everyone is allowed to view the lyrics differently, the way I view them is probably not how you view them, and that is okay. Just don't criticize me please and thank you. Anyways, I never paid much attention to this song till I saw it on CMT one morning and Miley Cyrus covered it. So that's the link I'll add in on the side if you wanna hear her way. I quite frankly think it's one of the best songs she's ever sang and I'm quite a fan of her's so that is saying something.

On another note, I'm making this Harry's view because I always read stuff from Louis and never Harry's so yeah. Also, it's slightly sad in a way, with some heartache but at the same time I think it's really sweet. I didn't know how it was going to turn out as I started right it and halfway through saw how it was. It actually made my heartache a little because I feel cruel in a way but oh well. Anyways, here you go. 



"I've seen love go by my door,

it's never been this close before.

It's never been so easy or so slow. 

I've been shooting in the dark too long.

When something's not right it's wrong.

You're gonna make me lonesome when you go."

My heart skipped a beat, maybe two as I watched him walk past my bedroom door again. I see him everyday and my heart skips a beat, and it's as if I forget to breathe for a moment. I don't know, maybe it is love. I wanna say it is considering I've never felt this way before but at the same time, I can't be so sure. I've never been in love and have nothing to compare it too so honestly, I'm not a good judge on that one. I mean I've read all those quotes and heard the songs that people use to explain it but I'm not sure if I honestly know what it's like. I might but I'm not sure. All I know is if I do love him, I need to figure it out soon because I can't just keep holding back like I do. 

I've tried all I can to get him to notice my actions, catch a hint from my words, feel the tingles when I touch him. I want him to just open his eyes and realize that I'm standing right here, possibly in love with him. I keep hoping he will realize it but I'm not sure if he ever will, and as much as I want him to realize it and possibly love me back, I can't help but know it wouldn't be right and we wouldn't last. That's what is so hard about all of it. We wouldn't last. Then again, no one ever thinks I will last in a relationship, that's how everyone views me, hell that's how I've begun to think myself so I'm sure he does too, even if he says differently. 

"Harry what are you thinking about?" I hear him ask.

I look up, to see him leaning against my door, his shoulder the only thing touching it while his arms are folded across his chest, his ankles crossed at the bottom. Even from nearly seven feet away I could see the concern in his sparkling blue eyes. Most probably wouldn't notice his eyes with all his bright red pants on, but I notice them. I notice them all the time. I notice the way they change to different shades of blue, all sorts of shades of blue actually, from grey blue, to deep blue, to bright blue, to blue green, though that last one they rarely change too. 

"Hello, earth to Harry." he said, pushing himself away from my door and taking a step towards me, his hand now waving in my face. 

"Just you know, about somethings." I say, my eyes shifting away from him, to look around my room. 

"Harry what has been eating at you these last two months? You don't say anything to hardly anyone anymore, even me, and that hurts." he told me. 

I looked up into his eyes and sure enough, you could see the pain in them. 

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