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Y/N L/N the girl that Kaname had had a crush on scene the first time they meet. She was just his type she had H/L H/C hair she was about as tall as Zero and she also had E/C were memorized him when ever he saw her. Kaname came back to reality when he felt a sharp pain shoot throw his head. Even though he didn't show it but he was in a lot of pain. His head hurt so bad that it was getting hard to breath. Takuma (I think that's how you spell it) noticed this and walked over to see if Kaname was okay.
Kaname not wanting to worry his friend said that he was fine (but really wasn't). After they walked to class and took their seats class began. Kaname sate in his seat reading his book. As class end he started to feel dizzy and tired.
~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~
Some how he managed to get back to his dorm with out a problem. As soon as he got to his in his room he collapsed on to his couch. He groaned feeling hot and cold at the same time. A little while after he feel asleep he was woken up by a hand on his forehead. He woke up to see his good friend Takuma looking at his in concern. "Kaname you have a fever" Takuma said. Kaname only groaned in response. He now noticed how sick he really felt his head hurt,he felt like throwing up,he ached all over, and he was hot and cold at the same time. Takuma got up from his position he has in and walked over to the bathroom. He came out with a thermometer and some medicine. He sate the medicine bottle on the table and told Kaname to put the thermometer in his mouth. After the thermometer beeped Takuma took it from Kaname "101.3" he said "try to get some rest" and with that he left the room.
~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~
A few hours later Kaname woke up to screaming." It must be time for the cross over" he thought. He tried to get up but he was to weak to stand. He crawled to the window and looked out at the cross over and then he saw her.
Cliff hanger

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