Dungeons and Dragons

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"There lay the sleeping dragon, huffing and puffing smoke out of his nostrils. He slept on top of the gold. THE gold of the old kingdom of Aleria." Hana narrated behind a large cardboard, splitting her and her friends on the table.

"Let's explore...quietly" suggested Genji with suspicion in his eyes. Lúcio shrugged at the suggestion and went a long with it.

"And so Bailong (Genji's character) found a crown and a few jewels on pedestals while Victor (Lúcio's character) had found nothing but a few spherical shaped objects."

"I would like to observe" Genji announced.

"Roll..." The Korean flipped through the pages of a large book. "...11 or higher"

Genji snatched the 20-sided dice and landed on a 12.

"You have discovered that the strange objects were dragon's eggs and it seemed as though it had been recently laid."

"Oh my god. These cost like a fortune."  Lúcio commented

"I know. We could be rich" Genji

"Unfortunately, the dragon is waking up due to your bickering" Hana added.

"HEY! No fair!" The two shouted as Hana giggled evilly. Hana prepared a separate piece of paper  writing down something.

"Fine! I use my fireball spell!" Lúcio shouted as he rolled his dice. The strangely shaped dice bounced chaotically before abruptly stopping revealing a '20' on the dice.

"Critical hit!"


"Alright then I charge up to the dragon and swing my blade." Genji rolled  the vdice and revealed an '11'

"MISS!" Hana shouted. "DRAGON'S TURN!" Hana rolled the strange the dice and revealed a '16' "THE DRAGON HITS THE BOTH OF YOU AND-"

"G E N J I"

"Fuck" The green haired boy muttered and rushed towards Hana's closet.

Unfortunately, Hanzo entered the room as Genji was about to hide to Hana's closet.

"YOU WILL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" Genji shouted. Hanzo twitched his eye and took his brother by the collar and dragged him outside.


Y'all should play Dungeons and dragons it's hella fun.

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