Chapter 1

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     This is my first story, so I'm sorry if it's not very good.

Disclaimer : I do not own any of these characters. All rights go to Rick Rioridan and J. K. Rowling. I also got some of the plot ideas from other fanfic authors. Now, to the story!!!

      War is a terrible thing. The  only thing that comes from war is loss. I thought that after one war, I'd get a break. Boy was I wrong! The Fates are truly evil. They decided I hadn't lost enough after the first war-that my life wasn't hard enough. They took everything for me. Jason, Piper, Leo ( twice ),  Frank, Hazel, Nico, Thalia, Katie, Travis, Connor ,  Lou Ellen, Will, Rachel, all of them. Camp half-blood and Camp Jupiter. They. Took. My. Annabeth. I'm the last one standing, but I wish I wasn't. I wish that I could fall to the ground dead, right now. But I can't. I can't leave others to fight their own battles-not anymore than I can bring my friends back to life. I'm no child of hades,  but I'm pretty sure there is a rule against it. Hades ................. that reminds me of Nico. Nico................... I miss him. Everything reminds me of them. The stars............... Bob and Zoë.  The  sky.................. Jason and Thalia. Water............... Annabeth. Well, everything reminds me of her. The sun reminds me of her hair, the water  reminds me of our first kiss, blood reminds me of her determination, books remind me of her knowledge, everything. My nightmares have been getting worse. Just last night I had one, it was horrible.

                      Flashback to the night before

      I was walking in the dark, wandering, looking for them. I needed to save them! There! A small light had appeared at the corner of my vision. I turned around, and there was Leo! I tried to run to him, but he kept on getting further away!

      Suddenly, more lights showed up all around me, until I was completely surrounded by my dead friends.

      "Traitor!" They exclaimed "You are weak""You couldn't save us!"

      "I'm sorry!" I cried. "You're right!" But they didn't seem to hear me. They were right. I was weak.

      Suddenly, they attacked, and I didn't defend myself. I didn't deserve to live anyway. I just lay there, wishing they were wrong, wishing I wasn't alone. But I was.

      There was a brilliant flash of light, and there she stood. The one that pained me the most. Annabeth. I lay in a puddle of blood at her feet, looking up at her, desperation clear on my face. She was crying, her face in her hands. I tried to comfort her, but she pushed me away. What I didn't understand was that when she looked up, she wasn't crying. A look of pure rage was on her face. 

      "You!" She exclaimed. She got out her drakon bone sword, and was about to finish me off, when I heared a call in the distance.

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